Site Info
The Site Info panel allows you to find all the elements presented on the scanned site.

The left panel contains a list of elements found on the scanned site divided by type. When you select any element type on the left, all elements of that type are displayed on the right side of the panel. Selecting a row in the Main table populates the Details section with information about the row. Every element type has its own list of parameters.
Main table:
- Method: request method (GETorPOST)
- Action: the action link
- Name: the name of the form
- Id: the ID of the form
- Enctype: the encryption type
- Autocomplete: the autocomplete status for the element
- On Submit: the form On Submit script handler status of the element
- Control Types: types of controls (eg. Username, Password, Search etc.)
Details table Form Controls - the list of controls on the form:
- Name: the name of the element
- Id: the ID of the element
- Orig Value: the value of the element
- Type: the type of the element
- Datatype: the data of type
- Disabled: marked when the element is disabled
- Checked: marked when the element is checked
- Autocomplete: marked when the element has autocomplete.
Main table:
- Comments: the first line of the comment
- Details: the text area with the comment
Main table: Source: the URL of the source file.
- Type: Script type (javascript, vbscript, other values possible)
- Deferred: Indicates whether the deferred attribute was set on the script
- Script: the first line of the scrip, Inlined Script body(as opposed to external script)
- Script table:
- Text area with the script
Main table:
- Source: the URL of the image
- Height: the height of the image
- Width: the width of the image
- Alt: the alternative text of the image
Main table:
- Source: the URL of the frame
- Long description: the long description of the frame IFrames
Main table:
- Source: the URL of the frame
- Long description: the long description of the frame
Main table:
- Code: the location of the code
- Archive: the archive attribute
- Codebase: code base attribute
The main table contains the list of emails.
Main table:
- Codebase: code base attribute
- ClassId: class id attribute
- Data: data attribute
- UseMap: user map attribute
- Archive: archive attribute
- Code Type: code type attribute
- Name: name attribute
Main table:
- Name: the name of the cookie
- Protocol: the application layer protocol
- Domain: the domain of the cookie
- Path: the path to the page setting the cookie
- Value: the value of the cookie
- Secure: marked when the cookie is secure.
- Date: cookie expiration date
- Version: the version attribute
- Comment: the comment attribute
- Http Only: marked when HTTP only is enabled
Main table:
- Name: the sequence name
- Steps: the number of steps
- Type: the sequence type
Sequences Steps table:
- Method: the request method (GET or POST)
- URL: the complete URL
- Code: the response code
- Length: the response length
- Transition Type: the transition Type
Selecting any row will show detailed information in the tabs under the table.
- Request: the request that was sent
- Response Source: the response source
- Response HTML: the response HTML
Main table:
- Name: the technology name
- Found: number of found technologies
- Crawled: number of crawled technologies
Details table:
- URL: the technology URL
- Found: number of found technologies
- Crawled: number of crawled technologies