Compute Resources (M-Z)
The information on this page has moved
For the most up to date Compute Resources guidance, go to Compute Resources.
Some attributes may not be included in these lists
A large number of Resource Attributes are offered for the resources outlined here. Because we are continuously expanding our supported resources the attributes and details included here can not be guaranteed to include every resource or every attribute.
If you need information about the attributes of a particular resource we are happy to help get those details for you - reach out to us through the Customer Support Portal with any questions!
MapReduce Cluster
MapReduce Cluster
MapReduce Clusters are Hadoop frameworks. This class inherits from TopLevelResource and has direct access to the resource's database object.
Attributes | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The name of the region |
cluster_id | The provider given ID of the cluster |
name | The name of the cluster |
status | The status of the cluster |
create_time | The creation time of the cluster |
availability_zone | The availability zone where cluster |
network_resource_id | The resource ID of the associated network |
subnet_resource_id | The resource ID of the associated subnet |
total_node_count | The total node count |
master_node_count | The master node count |
application | The application of the cluster |
role_resource_id | The resource ID of the role |
release_label | The software release of the cluster |
security_config | The security configuration that is associated with the cluster |
security_config_resource_id | The resource ID of the security configuration |
logging_uri | The S3 location for storing logs |
image_creation_date | The date the image this cluster is based on was created |
bootstrap_actions | The list of bootstrap actions associated with the cluster |
internal_ip_only | Denotes whether the cluster permits connections from internal IP addresses only |
termination_protection | Denotes if the MapReduce cluster has termination protection enabled |
visible_to_all_users | Denotes if the MapReduce cluster is visible to all users |
public_dns | The public DNS value for the MapReduce cluster |
key_resource_id | The provider ID of Encryption Key (if encrypted) |
Message Broker Instance
Message Broker Instance is a managed broker instance that makes it easier to set up and operate message brokers in the cloud, such as Amazon MQ.
Attributes | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The name of the region |
instance_id | The provider ID |
name | The user-defined name of the instance |
instance_type | The type of instance deployed |
state | The current instance state |
arn | The ARN of the instance |
endpoint_address | The FQDN of the instance |
engine | The software engine running on the instance |
engine_version | The software version of the engine |
nodes | Number of instance nodes deployed |
create_time | The creation time of the instance |
publicly_accessible | Boolean value denoting if the instance is publicly accessible |
audit_logs | Boolean value denoting if the instance has audit level logging enabled |
general_logs | Boolean value denoting if the instance has general logging enabled |
key_resource_id | The resource ID of the key used for encryption, if applicable |
Message Queue
Message Queues are message queuing services, such as AWS SQS. This class inherits from TopLevelResource and has direct access to the resource’s database object.
Attributes | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
url | The URL of the message queue |
name | The name of the message queue |
region_name | The region the queue is in |
message_count | The number of messages in the queue |
messages_delayed_count | The number of delayed messages in the queue |
messages_not_visible_count | The number of messages that are not deleted or timed out |
creation_timestamp | The time the queue was created |
last_modified | The most recent time the queue was modified |
delay | The number of seconds of the default delay of the queue |
max_size | The maximum size in bytes a message can be |
retention_period | The length of time in seconds that a message is kept |
policy | The policy of the queue (JSON) |
arn | The Amazon Resource Name of the queue |
trusted_accounts | The list of trusted accounts for this Message Queue |
redrive_policy | The parameters for dead-letter queue functionality |
server_side_encryption | Denotes whether server side encryption is enabled on the queue |
queue_type | Type of queue, example FIFO, standard, etc. |
deduplication | Indicates whether deduplication is enabled for the queue |
key_resource_id | The resource ID of encryption key for the queue |
key_reuse_period | The length of time in seconds that the data key can be reused to encrypt or decrypt messages |
visibility_timeout | The visibility timeout for the queue |
receive_message_wait_time | The length of time in seconds the queue waits for a message to arrive |
class DivvyResource.Resources.messagequeue.MessageQueue(resource_id)
Bases: DivvyResource.Resources.toplevelresource.TopLevelResource
Message Queue Operations
static get_db_class()
static get_provider_id_field()
static get_resource_type()
handle_resource_created(user_resource_id=None, project_resource_id=None)
This should be called when a resource is created/discovered after the basic data is added to the database. This gives an opportunity for post-addition hooks (assignment to groups, alerts, etc.).
This should be called when a resource is destroyed before the basic data is removed from the database. This gives an opportunity for pre-destruction hooks (removal from groups, alerts, etc.).
handle_resource_modified(resource, *args, **kwargs)
This should be called when a resource is modified after the new data has been updated in teh DB session. This gives an opportunity for post-modification hooks.
top_level_resource = True
Message Queue Namespace
A Message Queue Namespace groups message queues and publish-subscribe topics under one namespace.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
service_bus_namespace_id | The ID for the message queue |
url | The URL for the message queue |
name | The name for the message queue |
region_name | The region in which the message queue resides |
sku | The pricing tier for the message queue |
status | The status of the message queue |
tls_version | The TLS version for the message queue |
private_endpoint_connections | The number of private endpoint connections to the message queue |
local_auth_disabled | Indicates if local authentication is disabled for the message queue |
public_network_access | The public network status of the message queue |
zone_redundant | Indicates if the message queue is zone redundant |
key_resource_id | The ID for the key associated with the message queue |
global_encryption | The encryption type of the message queue |
namespace_id | The provider-specific ID for the message queue |
Notification Subscription
Subscription-based notifications (AWS SNS, GCP Pub/Sub. This class inherits from TopLevelResource and has direct access to the resource’s database object.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region where the subscription resides |
subscription_id | The provider ID for the subscription |
arn | The Amazon resource name for the subscription |
name | The name of the subscription |
topic_resource_id | The parent topic of the subscription |
protocol | The delivery protocol of the subscription |
endpoint | The delivery destination of the subscription |
filter_policy | The filter policy JSON assigned to the subscription |
confirmation_authenticated | Denotes the subscription's confirmation was authenticated (true/false) |
pending_confirmation | Denotes if the message is pending confirmation (true/false) |
raw_message_delivery | Denotes if raw message delivery is enabled (true/false) |
ack_deadline_seconds | The deadline (in seconds) for how long to acknowledge messages |
retain_acked_messages | Denotes whether acknowledged messages are retained (true/false) |
message_retention_seconds | Denotes (in seconds) how long to retain messages for |
invalid_json | Denotes if the subscription contains invalid JSON |
Notification Topic
Topic to use when delivering notifications. This class inherits from TopLevelResource and has direct access to the resource’s database object.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region where the topic resides |
arn | The Amazon resource name for the topic |
name | The name of the topic |
display_name | The display name to use for a Notification Topic |
policy | The JSON of access policy associated with this topic |
effective_delivery_policy | The JSON of the delivery policy associated with this topic, including retry information |
trusted_accounts | The JSON value of accounts trusted by the instance |
public | Denotes if the topic is public |
pending_subscriptions | The number of subscriptions that are pending |
confirmed_subscriptions | The number of subscriptions that are confirmed |
deleted_subscriptions | The number of subscriptions that are deleted |
key_resource_id | The resource ID of the key used for encryption, if applicable |
Private Image
Private Image
Private Images provide protected information that is required to launch an instance. This class inherits from TopLevelResource and has direct access to the resource’s database object.
Attributes | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
image_id | The ID of the image |
name | The name of the image |
root_device_type | The original device type (ebs, snapshot, etc) |
architecture | The architecture type (e.g. x86_64, x86_32) |
min_ram | The Integer representing the minimum memory required for use of this image |
min_disk | The Integer representing the minimum disk space required for use of this image |
state | The state of this private image |
description | Text description of this image |
region_name | The region in which this image was taken |
platform | The platform the image was taken on (linux/windows) |
block_device_mapping | The information regarding this image |
virtualization_type | Denotes the virtualization type (paravirtual Attr or hardware virtual machine ion",) |
product_code | The product code (25 digit alphanumeric code identifying the private image) |
product_code_type | The product code type (marketplace, none) |
creation_date | The date the Image was created |
is_public | Denotes if the image is public (true/false) |
instance_resource_id | The resource ID of the instance associated with this private image, if known |
encrypted | Denotes if the image is encrypted |
class DivvyResource.Resources.privateimage.PrivateImage(resource_id)
Bases: DivvyResource.Resources.toplevelresource.TopLevelResource
Private Image Operations
Delete this resource. If wrapped in a with JobQueue() block, this will queue the deletion job to the wrapped queue, otherwise it calls immediately.
Retrieve the time from the provider that this resource was created (if available).
static get_db_class()
static get_provider_id_field()
static get_resource_type()
handle_resource_created(user_resource_id=None, project_resource_id=None)
This should be called when a resource is created/discovered after the basic data is added to the database. This gives an opportunity for post-addition hooks (assignment to projects/groups, alerts, etc.).
This should be called when a resource is destroyed before the basic data is removed from the database. This gives an opportunity for pre-destruction hooks (removal from projects/groups, alerts, etc.).
handle_resource_modified(resource, *args, **kwargs)
This should be called when a resource is modified after the new data has been updated in the DB session This gives an opportunity for post-modification hooks.
top_level_resource = True
Reserved Instance
Reserved Instance
Reserved Instances are guaranteed available virtual private servers with compute capacity reservations of a specific type and location. Examples include AWS Reserved Instances and Azure pre-paid Virtual Machines. There is no analog in GCE, where pricing changes retroactively based upon usage. This class inherits from TopLevelResource and has direct access to the resource’s database object.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
reservation_id | The cloud-assigned ID of the reservation |
reservation_type | The type of reservation, e.g., compute, database |
type_id | The ID of the type of reservation |
region_name | The region where the reservation exists |
zone | The availability zone where the reservation exists |
offering_class | The class of reservation, e.g., standard or convertible |
offering_type | The type of instance included in the reservation |
state | The state of the reservation, e.g., whether it is active, pending modification, or retired |
start | The start time of the reservation |
expiration | The expiration of the reservation |
duration | The duration of the reservation, e.g., 1 year |
usage_price | The monthly price of the reservation, if not fully paid in advance |
fixed_price | The upfront price of the reservation |
instance_count | The number of instances in the reservation |
product_description | The tenancy of the reservation, e.g., whether instances are physically or virtually isolated |
scope | The scope of the reservation, i.e., whether it is region-wide or specific to an availability zone |
class DivvyResource.Resources.instancereservation.InstanceReservation(resource_id)
Bases: DivvyResource.Resources.toplevelresource.TopLevelResource
Reserved Instance Operations
static get_db_class()
static get_provider_id_field()
Reserved instances are not named by the user. We return the reservation ID here.
static get_resource_name_field()
static get_resource_type()
handle_resource_created(user_resource_id=None, project_resource_id=None)
This is called when a resource is created/discovered after initial data harvesting. It provides an opportunity for post-addition hooks (assignment to groups, alerts, etc.).
This is called when a resource is destroyed and before removal from the database. It provides an opportunity for pre-destruction hooks (removal from groups, alerts, etc.).
handle_resource_modified(resource, *args, **kwargs)
This is called when a resource is modified after the new data has been updated in the DB session. It provides an opportunity for post-modification hooks.
top_level_resource = True
Search Cluster
Search Clusters are managed, scalable search solutions. This class inherits from TopLevelResource and has direct access to the resource's database object.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region that the cluster resides in |
cluster_id | The provider ID of the search cluster |
arn | The Amazon Resource Name of the cluster |
name | The name of this search cluster |
status | The status of this cluster (Creating, active, etc) |
instance_type | The type of instances that are in the cluster |
instance_flavor_resource_id | The resource ID of the instance flavor of the instances in the cluster |
instance_count | The number of instances in the cluster |
search_endpoint | The endpoint for requesting search results from a cluster |
document_endpoint | The service endpoint for updating documents in a cluster |
multi_az | Boolean value of whether or not the cluster has multi-availability enabled |
service_policy | The JSON of access policy associated with this cluster |
transit_encryption | Denotes if the cluster has transit encryption enabled |
Search Index
A scalable, integrated search service that enables search for unstructured data using natural language. Returns specific answers for an experience similar to human interaction. (e.g. AWS Kendra Index).
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region where the index is deployed |
index_id | The ID for the index |
name | The name of the index |
description | The description associated with this index |
arn | The Amazon resource name for the index |
edition | Indicates whether the index is the enterprise or developer edition |
status | The status of the index |
key_resource_id | The provider ID of the encryption key, if applicable |
date_created | The date the index was created |
date_modified | The date the index was last modified |
storage_capacity_units | The document storage capacity for the index |
query_capacity_units | The query capacity (queries per second) for the index |
user_context_policy | The user context policy assigned to this index |
Serverless Application
A Serverless Application is a managed repository for serverless applications (e.g. AWS Serverless Application Repository). It enables the storage and sharing of reusable applications for ease in deployment of serverless architecture.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region where the application is deployed |
name | The name of the serverless application |
namespace_id | The ARN of the serverless application |
description | The description associated with this serverless application |
create_time | The creation time of the application |
author | The creator of the application |
home_page_url | The optional field, directing users to an applications homepage (e.g. an external GitHub page) |
spdx_license_id | The Software Data Package Exchange (SPDX) license applied to this application |
labels | A set of user defined tags applied to the application |
policy | The IAM policy associated with this application |
trusted_accounts | The list of any accounts with a trust relationship with this application, if applicable |
public_access | Denotes if this application is publicly accessible |
Serverless Function
A Serverless Function is a compute service that runs code in response to events and automatically manages the compute resources required by that code. An example is AWS Lambda. This class inherits from TopLevelResource and has direct access to the resource's database object.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region that the serverless function resides in |
name | The name of the serverless function |
provider_id | The cloud provider supplied ID |
description | The description of the serverless function |
network_resource_id | The resource ID of the parent (network) |
code_size | The size of your serverless function code in bytes |
memory_size_mb | The memory size of your serverless function in MB |
timeout | The timeout or limit of the serverless function |
runtime | The time this serverless function is set to run |
version | The version this serverless function is running on |
last_modified | The time the serverless function was last modified |
role_resource_id | The resource ID of the role associated with the serverless function, if applicable |
key_resource_id | The resource ID of the encryption key associated with the serverless function, if applicable |
web_app_resource_id | The resource ID of the web application associated with the serverless function, if applicable |
config | The serverless function configuration, if known |
enabled | Boolean value indicating if event source mapping is enabled |
environment_variable_count | Total count of the number of environment variables |
environment_variables | The function's environment variables |
publicly_accessible | Denotes if the function can be accessed over the Internet |
policy | The policy attached to this serverless function |
trusted_accounts | The list of any accounts with a trust relationship with this function, if applicable |
tracing_enabled | Denotes if AWS X-Ray tracing is enabled |
http_trigger | HTTP-based resource used to trigger the lambda function |
code_sha256 | The SHA256 hash of the function's deployment package |
revision_id | The identifier for the latest updated revision of the function or alias |
namespace_id | The unique composite ID of the provider ID for the serverless function |
contains_secret | Indicates if the serverless function contains a Secret within the environment variables |
layers | The list of layer ARNs used by the function |
package_type | The type of deployment package |
image | The container image used by the function |
url_config | The URL config for the function |
snap_start | Whether SnapStart is enabled for the function |
class DivvyResource.Resources.serverlessfunction.ServerlessFunction(resource_id)
Bases: DivvyResource.Resources.toplevelresource.TopLevelResource
Serverless Function Operations
static get_db_class()
static get_provider_id_field()
static get_resource_type()
handle_resource_created(user_resource_id=None, project_resource_id=None)
This should be called when a resource is created/discovered after the basic data is added to the database. This gives an opportunity for post-addition hooks (assignment to projects/groups, alerts, etc.).
This should be called when a resource is destroyed before the basic data is removed from the database. This gives an opportunity for pre-destruction hooks (removal from projects/groups, alerts, etc.).
handle_resource_modified(resource, *args, **kwargs)
This should be called when a resource is modified after the new data has been updated in the DB session. This gives an opportunity for post-modification hooks.
top_level_resource = True
Serverless Layer
A Serverless Layer is a package of libraries and dependencies that can be used with Serverless Functions. An example is AWS Lambda Layer.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region where the serverless layer resides |
name | The name for the serverless layer |
arn | The ARN associated with the serverless layer |
version | The version for the serverless layer |
description | A description of the serverless layer |
runtimes | The runtimes included with the serverless layer |
architectures | The architecture used to run the serverless layer |
policy | The access policy attached to the serverless layer |
public | Indicates if the serverless layer is public |
trusted_accounts | The list of trusted accounts for the serverless layer |
created_date | The date the serverless layer was created |
SSM Document
SSM Document
A script or document written in JSON or YAML that provides instructions to the Systems Manager for how to interact with your managed instances, e.g., AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Document.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region in which the SSM Document resides |
document_id | The unique ID for the SSM Document |
document_version | The version of the SSM Document |
name | The name of the SSM Document |
document_version_name | The name for the version of the SSM Document |
document_type | The type of SSM Document (Session, Command, Automation, etc.) |
document_format | The format for the SSM Document (JSON, YAML, TEXT) |
schema_version | The schema version for the SSM Document |
target_type | The kinds of resources the SSM Document can run on |
review_status | The current status of the review on the SSM Document |
author | The author of the SSM Document |
platform_types | The list of OSes that are compatible with the SSM Document |
create_time | Timestamp for when the SSM Document was created |
content | The content of the SSM Document |
Stack Template
Stack Template
Stack Templates, such as AWS Cloud Formation Templates, allow you to code your infrastructure from scratch and deploy from there. This class inherits from Resource and has direct access to the resource’s database object.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region where the stack template resides |
stack_id | The provider ID of the stack template |
name | The name of the stack template |
description | The description of the stack template |
state | The state of the stack template (CREATE_COMPLETE , ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS , etc.) |
termination_protection | Denotes if termination protection is enabled |
create_date | The date and time the stack template was created |
update_date | The date and time the stack template was updated |
delete_date | The date and time the stack template was deleted |
template | JSON field of the stack template |
drift_status | Indicates whether the stack's configuration differs from its template configuration, a.k.a. it has drifted |
contains_secret | Indicates if the stack template contains a Secret within environment variables |
Step Function
Step Function
A Step Function (e.g., AWS Step Function State Machine) is a serverless orchestration service that lets you combine functions and other services to build applications and view an application’s workflow as a series of event-driven steps.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region where the step function is deployed |
name | The display name of the step function |
status | The status (active/inactive) of the step function |
type | The type of the step function, if applicable |
definition | The definition of the step function |
arn | The Amazon resource name associated with the step function |
role_name | The name of the role associated with the step function |
role_resource_id | The Resource ID of the associated service Role, if applicable |
create_time | The creation time of the step function |
logging_enabled | The status of logging for the step function (enabled/disabled) |
logging_configuration | Defines what execution history events are logged and where they are logged. |
tracing_enabled | The status of tracing for the step function (e.g., AWS X-Ray tracing) |
Stream Instance
Stream Instance
A Stream Instance is a streaming data service built to offer streaming data pipelines and applications. This compute function makes it easy to continuously collect, process, and deliver streaming data, e.g. Amazon MSK.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region where the instance is deployed |
instance_id | The ID of the instance |
name | The name of the instance |
arn | The Amazon resource name of the stream instance |
instance_type | The type of instance being deployed |
instance_flavor_resource_id | The Resource ID of the instance flavor being used |
state | The current state of the instance |
volume_size_gb | The size of the attached volume, in GB |
key_resource_id | The resource ID of the key used for encryption, if known |
client_encryption | The type of encryption being used on this instance |
cluster_encryption | Boolean value indicating if cluster encryption is enabled |
enhanced_monitoring | The level of monitoring for the MSK cluster. The possible values are DEFAULT, PER_BROKER, and PER_TOPIC_PER_BROKER. |
nodes | The number of nodes in the cluster |
stream_version | The current version of the stream |
connect_string | The connection string to use to connect to the Apache ZooKeeper cluster. |
create_time | The creation time of the instance |
logging | JSON string denoting the logging enabled for the stream instance (if any) |
Streaming Application
Streaming Application
Streaming applications allow you to query, transform, and analyze streaming data in real time.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region in which the streaming application resides |
name | The name of the streaming application |
namespace_id | The namespace ID of the streaming application |
description | The description of the streaming application |
status | The status of the streaming application |
runtime_environment | The runtime environment of the streaming application |
version_id | The version ID of the streaming application |
mode | The mode of the streaming application |
create_time | The timestamp when the streaming application was created |
last_modified | The time when the streaming application was last modified |
snapshots_enabled | Denotes whether snapshots are enabled for the streaming application |
monitoring_log_level | Describes the verbosity of the logs for the streaming application |
monitoring_metrics_level | Describes the granularity of the logs for the streaming application |
parallelism | The number of parallel tasks that a Flink-based streaming application can perform |
parallelism_per_kpu | The number of parallel tasks that a Flink-based streaming application can perform per Kinesis Processing Unit (KPU) used by the application |
autoscaling_enabled | Denotes whether autoscaling is enabled |
Template Spec
Template Spec
A template spec is a resource type that simplifies both storing and sharing a template.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
template_id | The provider ID for the template spec, including name and version |
template_name | The name of the template spec. Multiple template specs may share a name |
version_name | The version name for the template spec |
resource_group | The name of the resource group that the template will launch resources into |
version_description | The description for this version of the template |
region_name | The region in which the template spec resides |
template_resource_types | A list of the resource types the template spec will deploy |
template | The template used to deploy resources |
contains_secret | Denotes whether the default value for any of the parameters contain a secret |
namespace_id | The unique composite ID of the provider ID for the resource |
Transcoding Pipeline
Transcoding Pipeline
A queue that manages media transcoding jobs, e.g., an AWS Elastic Transcoder Pipeline.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region in which this pipeline resides |
pipeline_id | The ID for the pipeline |
name | The name of the pipeline |
status | The status of the pipeline |
arn | The ARN associated with the pipeline |
key_resource_id | The provider ID of Encryption Key (if encrypted) |
role_resource_id | The Resource ID of the associated service Role, if applicable |
output_bucket | The output bucket used by this pipeline |
input_bucket | The input bucket used by this pipeline |
content_config | Content configuration for jobs submitted to this pipeline |
thumbnail_config | Thumbnail configuration for jobs submitted to this pipeline |
notifications | Notifications this pipeline sends upon job status changes |
Transcription Job
Transcription Job
A job that provides speech-to-text transcriptions for a wide variety of use cases, e.g., AWS Transcription Job.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region in which the Transcription Job resides |
name | The name of the Transcription Job |
job_type | The type of Transcription Job |
arn | The ARN associated with the Transcription Job |
status | The status of the Transcription Job |
language_code | The language code for the Transcription Job |
media_format | The media format used for the Transcription Job |
failure_reason | If the Transcription Job failed, the reason for doing so |
creation_time | Timestamp for when the Transcription Job was created |
start_time | Timestamp for when the Transcription Job was started |
completion_time | Timestamp for when the Transcription Job was completed (if successful) |
content_redaction | Describes the content redaction settings for the Transcription Job |
output_data_location | Location for the Transcription Job's output |
input_data_location | Location for the Transcription Job's input |
input_bucket_resource_id | The resource ID for the Transcription Job's input bucket |
output_bucket_resource_id | The resource ID for the Transcription Job's output bucket |
public_bucket | Indicates whether the bucket is public |
Web App
Web App
A Web App is a compute function in the form of an application. Web Apps are conceptually similar to a folder, containing environments, versions, and configs that allow users to quickly build, deploy, and scale web apps using popular frameworks in containers or running on any OS. For example Azure App Service, or an AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region where the web app is deployed |
web_app_id | The cloud provider ID for the web app |
web_app_group_resource_id | The resource ID of the web app group, if applicable |
name | The name of the web app |
app_server_resource_id | The resource ID of the application server, if applicable |
app_type | The application type |
deployment_slot | Boolean value indicating if the web app is currently deployed |
web_app_parent_resource_id | The resource ID of the parent web app, if applicable |
platform | The platform architecture the web app is deployed on |
network_resource_id | The resource ID of the associated network, if applicable |
subnet_resource_id | The resource ID of the associated subnet, if known |
default_hostname | The default hostname used by the web app, if applicable |
ip_address | The IP address of the web app |
https_required | Boolean value indicating if this web app requires HTTPS protocol. |
remote_debugging_enabled | Boolean value indicating if remote debugging is enabled |
web_sockets_enabled | Boolean value indicating if web sockets are enabled |
always_on | Boolean value indicating if the web app is in an always on state |
scm_type | Describes the source control management type, if known |
ftp_state | Lists the current File Transfer state of the app |
http2_enabled | Boolean value indicating if HTTP2 is enabled |
net_framework_version | The NET Framework version of the app, if applicable |
php_version | The PHP version of the app, if applicable |
python_version | The Python version of the app, if applicable |
java_version | The Java version of the app, if applicable |
java_container | The Java container used by the app, if applicable |
java_container_version | The Java container version used by the app, if applicable |
runtimes | The software running on the web app (AWS only) |
state | The current state of the application |
authentication_required | Denotes if the web app requires authentication or not |
automatic_patching | Indicates if the web app has automatic patching enabled |
client_certificates | The number of client certificates, if known |
managed_identity | Boolean value indicating if the web app is utilizing managed identity |
cors | Describes the CORS settings for the web app |
role_resource_id | The resource ID of the role associated with the web app, if applicable |
last_modified | The time the web app was last modified, if known |
minimal_tls_version | The lowest TLS version allowed for the Web App |
domain_config | The configuration for the Web App's domain |
possible_outbound_ip_addresses | The list of possible outbound IP addresses allowed for the Web App |
outbound_ip_addresses | The list of current outbound IP addresses used for the Web App |
private_endpoint_connections | Boolean indicating if private endpoint connections are enabled for the Web App |
key_vault_reference_identity | The ID of the identity that the Web App uses to access Key Vaults |
Web App Group
A Webb App Group is an application that serves as a container for the environments to run a web app, e.g. an AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
web_app_group_id | The provider ID of the web app group |
name | The name of the web app group |
region_name | The region where the web app group is deployed |
arn | The Amazon resource name of the web app group |
description | The description field of the web app group |
creation_timestamp | The creation time of the group, if known |
Workspaces are virtual desktops, such as AWS Workspaces. This class inherits from TopLevelResource and has direct access to the resource’s database object.
Attribute | Description |
resource_id | The primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters |
organization_service_id | The ID of the parent organization service (cloud) |
region_name | The region that the workspace resides in |
workspace_id | The ID of the workspace |
name | The name of the workspace |
directory_resource_id | The provider ID of the workspace |
user_name | The username for the workspace user |
ip_address | The IP address of workspace |
state | The state of workspace (available, stopped, etc.) |
bundle_resource_id | The provider ID of the workspace bundle |
subnets | The subnets associated to the workspace |
error_message | The error message for the workspace |
error_code | The error code for the workspace |
computer_name | The computer name given to the workspace |
volume_encryption_key | The encryption key for the volume of the workspace |
user_volume_encryption_enabled | Denotes if user volume encryption is enabled |
root_volume_encryption_enabled | Denotes if root volume encryption is enabled |
running_mode | The running mode for workspace (always_on, auto_stop, etc.) |
auto_stop_timeout | The auto stop timeout for workspace in minutes |
root_volume_size | Root volume size of workspace in GiB |
user_volume_size | The user volume size of workspace in Gib |
compute_type | The compute type of the workspace (standard, graphics, etc.) |
connection_state_check_time | The last time when the connection state was checked |
connection_state | The current state of the connection to the workspace |
last_connected_user_time | The time a user was last connected |
class DivvyResource.Resources.workspace.Workspace(resource_id)
Bases: DivvyResource.Resources.toplevelresource.TopLevelResource
Workspace Operations
static get_db_class()
static get_provider_id_field()
static get_resource_type()
Retrieve all the actions which are supported by this resource. Restricts actions by resource state.
handle_resource_created(user_resource_id=None, project_resource_id=None)
This should be called when a resource is created/discovered after the basic data is added to the database. This gives an opportunity for post-addition hooks (assignment to projects/groups, alerts, etc.).
This should be called when a resource is destroyed before the basic data is removed from the database. This gives an opportunity for pre-destruction hooks (removal from projects/groups, alerts, etc.).
handle_resource_modified(*args, **kwargs)
This should be called when a resource is modified after the new data has been updated in the DB session This gives an opportunity for post-modification hooks.
top_level_resource = True