Public Accessibility Allow List

Some of your network resources may be deliberately accessible from the public internet. As such, you may not want these resources to be flagged as non-compliant for Insights that calculate public access. To avoid an increased flagging any Insights and increasing your risk score, you need to update the Public Accessibility Allow List. Allow List entries are governed by Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) blocks of IP addresses that are added by Domain Admins.

To add a CIDR block to the Public Accessibility Allow List:

  1. Log in to InsightCloudSec as a Domain Admin.
  2. Navigate to Settings > System Administration > Public Accessibility.
  3. Click + Add CIDR Block.
  4. Provide a valid IPv4 CIDR block and an optional description for the block.
    1. A CIDR block should follow the notation <IP address>/<decimal number>. For example:
  5. Click Save.

To delete a CIDR block from the Public Accessibility Allow List:

  1. Log in to InsightCloudSec as a Domain Admin.
  2. Navigate to Settings > System Administration > Public Accessibility.
  3. For a given CIDR block, click the Action menu (...) > Delete Value.
  4. Confirm the deletion.