Microsoft InTune

The Microsoft InTune plugin for InsightConnect focuses on allowing users to manage their organization's devices. This plugin enables users to perform antivirus scans and manage devices in Microsoft InTune - including wiping, syncing, and rebooting those devices. Additionally, users can trigger workflows on new alerts found within Microsoft InTune.

To use the Microsoft InTune plugin, users must set up an application in their Azure Active Directory and then configure the connection in InsightConnect. For more information on the functionality of the Microsoft InTune plugin, see the Extension Library listing.

Create an application in Azure Active Directory

  1. Log in to Azure Portal with a user that has the Global Administrator role.
  2. Click Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > New Registration.

Azure Portal New Registration

  1. Name your Application in a way that indicates its purpose and to help you keep track of it, then click Register.

Register an application

  1. Now that your application has been created, you must assign correct permissions to enable it to access Microsoft InTune. To do this, click API Permissions ​>​ Add a permission​.

API Permissions

  1. Select Microsoft Graph.

Microsoft Graph

  1. Select Application Permissions, and select the appropriate permissions to perform the desired action. The Microsoft InTune plugin requires the following permissions:
  • DeviceManagementManagedDevices.PrivilegedOperations.All
  • DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All
  • DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All

Application Permissions

  1. Once all the desired permissions are selected, click Add permissions.
  2. Grant administrator consent to the permissions selected. Note that every time you add a permission, you must select Grant consent​ for the new permission to take effect.

Grant consent for new permission

  1. Now that you’ve configured your application, add an ​Application Secret​ to it by clicking Certificates & secrets​ > ​New client secret​.

New client secret

  1. Enter an application secret description that indicates its purpose and click Add​.

Add a client secret

  1. Copy the generated secret value. You won't be able to retrieve this value after you leave this screen.

Copy generated secret value

  1. To get your Application ID​ and your Directory ID,​ select Overview ​and copy the values.

Application ID and Directory ID

  1. Select Owners from the left hand pane. Add the user account that will also be used when setting up the connection within InsightConnect as an owner of this application.

Application Owner

Configure the Microsoft InTune Connection in InsightConnect

Now that you’ve created your application in Azure Active Directory, you can configure the Microsoft InTune connection in InsightConnect to use the plugin.

  1. In InsightConnect, open the connection configuration for the Microsoft InTune plugin.
    • You can do this when selecting the Microsoft InTune plugin during a workflow building session or by creating the connection independently by choosing Plugins & Tools​ from the Settings tab on the left menu. On the Plugins & Tools​ page, select the Connections​ tab and click Add Connection​ in the upper-right corner.

Add connection in InsightConnect

  1. Configure the connection for the Microsoft InTune plugin.
    • Give the connection a unique and identifiable name, select where the plugin should run, and choose the Microsoft InTune plugin from the list. If it’s not available, then import the plugin from the ​Installed Plugins​ tab.
  2. Configure your Microsoft InTune credentials.
    • In the Credentials field, select existing Azure AD credentials or enter a new username and password. In the host URL field, leave the default value unless you host the graph API. If you host the graph API, enter the URL for your endpoint.
    • In the Client Secret field, create a credential and paste in the Microsoft InTune Application Secret that you copied earlier.
    • In addition, add the ​Application ID​ and ​Directory ID​ you copied earlier into the Client ID and Tenant ID fields, respectively.

Microsoft InTune Connection


The Microsoft InTune plugin is ready to use.

Test your connection

When you save the connection, the connection test will attempt to authenticate to your Azure Active Directory Microsoft InTune application. A blue circle on the Connection tile indicates that the Connection test is in progress.

In Progress

Successful connection tests

If there is no circle, the connection succeeded and you're ready to begin orchestrating your processes with Microsoft InTune.


Failed connection tests

A red circle indicates that the connection test failed. If this occurs, check your connection details (including the username and password, Application Secret, Application ID and Directory ID) before trying again.


The log may contain useful troubleshooting information. First, click ​View​ to see a list of your recent connection tests.

View recent connection test

Under the Test Status​ tab, expand the dropdown for the test that encountered an error to view its log.

View security team log