Uninstall the orchestrator

This article provides the commands needed to remove the main components of the orchestrator for RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and Ubuntu operating systems. Additional dependencies, such as Docker and IPtables, will need to be uninstalled separately.


You must have administrator privileges to uninstall the Insight Orchestrator.

Uninstallation process

To uninstall the Insight Orchestrator:

  1. Use the following command to stop the rapid7-orchestrator process on the instance running it:

    sudo systemctl stop rapid7-orchestrator
  2. Enter your sudo password when promoted. After you've entered the command, the running process will stop.

  3. Remove the rapid7-orchestrator.

  • If your orchestrator is installed on a RHEL system, use this command:
sudo rpm -e rapid7-orchestrator
  • If your orchestrator is installed on an Ubuntu system, use this command:
sudo apt-get remove rapid7-orchestrator
  1. Enter your sudo password when promoted. After doing so, the rapid7-orchestrator will be removed from your system.