Oct 07, 20203.8.225


  • You can now quickly access vulnerability information by clicking the new View Vulnerabilities button on the Scans page. When you do, the Discovered Issues page appears, which displays the vulnerabilities associated with your selected scan.


  • You can now import scan configs into AppSpider Enterprise as an SCFG file as well as an XML file.


  • We fixed an issue where, if AppSpider Enterprise was set to a timezone other than Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and a scan was scheduled at the boundary of the day, for example 10:00PM Pacific Standard Time (PST), a recurring scan didn’t run as expected because the next occurrence date was set incorrectly.
  • We fixed an issue with the ASE REST endpoint. Now, if "isRecurring" is set to false, and "nextOccurrence" is not provided, an error message appears to let you know that a "nextOccurrence" date must be entered so that the call can work correctly.