Jun 04, 202424.6.4

Release Summary

InsightCloudSec is pleased to announce release version 24.6.4. This release includes 2 new Azure resources, CIS Kubernetes Compliance Pack updates, and an improved user experience for Badges, Current User Sessions, and Resource Group Details.

Details for self-hosted customers
  • Release Availability - Thursday, June 6, 2024
    • The latest Terraform template (static files and modules) can be found here. Modules can be updated with the terraform get -update command.
  • Amazon Elastic Container Repository (ECR) Image Tags - The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Container Repository (ECR) build images for this version of InsightCloudSec can be obtained using the following tags (all versions can be found here):
    • latest
    • v24.6.4
    • v24.6.4.9fd9cda34
  • ECR Build ID - 9fd9cda3427a83f8cfb705db2457b823b734625b

New Permissions: Azure

These permissions were missing from the Custom Reader User Role.

For commercial Azure Custom Reader users:

  • "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/ipConfigurations/read"
  • "Microsoft.Security/defenderForStorageSettings/read"

These permissions have been added to the commercial Azure Custom Reader User Role.


  • Added new Query Filters For Google Load Balancers:
    • Load Balancer With Backend Service Type
    • Backend Service By Type
    • Load Balancer With Cloud Armor Policy Type attached to their Backend Service(s)
    • Backend Service With/Without Cloud Armor Policy Type
    • Cloud Provider Backend Service ID in List
  • Added 2 new Azure resources: Conditional Access Policy and Named Location. These resources do not require any new permissions.
  • Added new Query Filters for the new Conditional Access Policy and Named Location Azure resources:
    • Cloud Account Without/With Named Locations
    • Cloud User Without/With Conditional Access MFA Enabled
  • Added new Distributed Table Minimal TLS Version Query Filter for the Azure Cosmos Database minimal TLS version property.


  • Modernized and improved the user experience of the following features: Badges, Current User Sessions, and Resource Group Details.
  • Renamed the Identity Management section of the system settings to User Management.
  • Updated support for Azure Cosmos Databases to include the minimal TLS version property.
  • Updated the Resource Does Not Support TLS 1.2 Minimum Query Filter and the Resource does not Support TLS 1.2 Insight to include Azure Cosmos Database.
  • Updated Threat Finding severity levels support to include all levels from AWS, Azure, and GCP.
  • Updated the supported resources for the Search Threat Finding by Regex Query Filter to include API Accounting Config.
  • Updated support for harvesting Threat Findings from the me-central-1 AWS region
  • Added filters for Account Name, Account ID, and Account Badges to the Applications page.
  • Improved entitlement change detections for users that are logged in without requiring the user to log out.
  • Added the following tags for all insights mapped under controls for Requirement 4 of the PCI DSS v4.0 Compliance pack:
    • PCI DSS v4.0
    • PCI DSS v4.0 - 4.2.1
  • Updated the CIS - Kubernetes Compliance Pack to version 1.8. This version includes the following changes:
    • Added new Insights:
      • Ensure that the --protect-kernel-defaults argument is set to true (Compliance Rule 4.2.6)
      • Ensure that a limit is set on pod PIDs (Compliance Rule 4.2.13)
      • Minimize access to secrets (Compliance Rule 5.1.2)
      • Minimize access to create pods (Compliance Rule 5.1.4)
      • Ensure that default service accounts are not actively used (Compliance Rule 5.1.5)
      • Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary (Compliance Rule 5.1.6)
      • Avoid use of system:masters group (Compliance Rule 5.1.7)
      • Limit use of the Bind, Impersonate and Escalate permissions in the Kubernetes cluster (Compliance Rule 5.1.8)
      • Minimize access to create persistent volumes (Compliance Rule 5.1.9)
      • Minimize access to the proxy sub-resource of nodes (Compliance Rule 5.1.10)
      • Minimize access to the approval sub-resource of certificatesigningrequests objects (Compliance Rule 5.1.11)
      • Minimize access to webhook configuration objects (Compliance Rule 5.1.12)
      • Minimize access to the service account token creation (Compliance Rule 5.1.13)
      • Ensure that the cluster has at least 1 active policy control mechanism in place (Compliance Rule 5.2.1)
      • Minimize the admission of Windows HostProcess Containers (Compliance Rule 5.2.11)
      • Minimize the admission of HostPath volumes (Compliance Rule 5.2.12)
      • Minimize the admission of containers which use HostPorts (Compliance Rule 5.2.13)
      • Prefer using secrets as files over secrets as environment variables (Compliance Rule 5.4.1)
      • Ensure that the DenyServiceExternalIPs is set (Compliance Rule 1.2.3)
    • Removed Insights:
      • Ensure that the --basic-auth-file argument is not set (Compliance Rule 1.2.2)
      • Ensure that the --kubelet-https argument is set to true (Compliance Rule 1.2.4)
      • Ensure that the admission control plugin PodSecurityPolicy is set (Compliance Rule 1.2.16)
      • Ensure that the --insecure-bind-address argument is not set (Compliance Rule 1.2.18)
      • Ensure that the --insecure-port argument is set to 0 (Compliance Rule 1.2.19)
      • Ensure that the --secure-port argument is not set to 0 (Compliance Rule 1.2.20)


  • Updated the recommended Azure Custom Reader User Role for missing permissions.
  • Fixed an issue with emails coming from InsightCloudSec being sent as attachments instead of as an email body.
  • Fixed the Clouds filter on the Event-Driven Harvesting (EDH) Summary page to correctly populate clouds.
  • Host Vulnerability Assessments that have been in progress for greater than or equal to 2 days now automatically fail with a timeout error message.
  • Fixed Google Cloud Platform (GCP) system-managed service account keys to be marked as inactive once they have reached their expiration date.
  • Fixed the GCP Storage Container Harvester to succeed when the Organization Policy API is not turned on for a project. However, the minimum-allowed TLS version will be set to 1.0 (GCP default).
  • Fixed an issue where Network Load Balancers were appearing in the Load Balancer With SSL and HTTP Listener Insight and Query Filter.
  • Removed Amazon Bedrock permissions from the list of required permissions for AWS China.
  • Fixed a display issue with Serverless Function runtimes.
  • Removed the High Risk filter for the Layered Context page.
  • Fixed the MIME type of Scorecard Subscription emails to render properly in the Thunderbird email client.
  • Fixed an issue with false positives for the AWS Elastic MapReduce (EMR) S3 at rest encryption parameter.
  • Fixed an issue with Azure Virtual Machines being unable to relate their attached disks if their Instance ID contained mixed-case letters.