May 31, 20236.6.197


  • Azul Zulu fingerprinting. We added an additional collection for Azul Zulu Java 8 JRE.
  • SQL and CSV export reports. SQL and CSV export reports now have a max cell limit of 32,000 characters. Also, the Security Console’s CSV export memory usage is now lower when reporting the Solution and Proof when they exceed 32,000 characters.


  • There are no longer errors in CIS_Microsoft_IIS_10_Benchmark_v1.1.1 and users can now accurately scan their assets for CIS policy compliance.
  • Vulnerability alerts are no longer prevented from sending from remote engines.
  • We decluttered log messages by removing excessive file upload status messages.
  • The Security Console no longer loads in maintenance mode if there is an issue with the cloud connection.