Edit Policy Rules

You can edit, duplicate, delete, and stop a rule.

When you edit a rule that is still running, the edit will be applied only after the rule finishes running.

To edit a rule:

  1. From the rules list, select a rule.
    The rule definitions are displayed.
  2. Click the part of the group to edit and make the changes.
  3. Click Save.
    The option to apply to past alerts is not available when editing a rule, only when creating a rule.

To duplicate a rule:

  1. From the rules list, hover over a rule, then click the duplicate icon:
    temporary placeholder
  2. Type a name for the duplicated rule.
  3. Make desired changes.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Select whether to include historical alerts in the new rule.

To delete a rule:

  1. From the rules list, hover over a rule, then click the delete icon:
    temporary placeholder
  2. Confirm the rule deletion.

To stop (or start) a rule:

  1. From the rules list, hover over a rule:
    temporary placeholder
  2. Use the on/off toggle to start or stop a rule from running.