Export Alerts to a CSV

You can create an alert report by exporting alerts to a downloadable CSV file. All alerts that match the current filters will be downloaded.

You can also schedule a CSV report to be emailed on a recurring basis.

To export alerts to a CSV:

  1. Open the Threat Command > Alerts page.
  2. (Optional) You can filter the page to limit the alerts that are exported.
  3. From the Alerts list, click Export CSV.
    TheExport window displays the current filters.
  4. (Optional) You can select columns to be included in the CSV:
    1. Click Column selection and order (by default, all columns are selected).
    2. Select or clear columns.
    3. You can reorder the column order by dragging columns up or down.
  5. (Optional) You can schedule a CSV to be sent by email on a recurring basis:
    1. Click Email Distribution.
    2. Select Schedule.
    3. Select the timeframe and other delivery options.
    4. Click Schedule. Scheduled reports are displayed on the Threat Command > Reports page.
  6. You can download the CSV or send it as an email immediately:
    • To download the CSV, click Download CSV.
      The CSV is downloaded to the default download folder.
    • To send the CSV as an email, clickEmail CSV.
      The CSV is sent to the email address defined in the Email Distribution  section, by default, the user that is logged in.
      You can add additional recipients (max: 30).

To change the filter settings for a scheduled report:

  1. From the Threat Command > Reports page, hover over the report to edit and click the edit icon.
  2. Under the Selected Filters section, click Click Here. The Alerts page is displayed according to the report filters.
  3. Adjust the filters for the report.
  4. Continue, as follows:
    • To save the updated filters, click Update Report Filters, and then, in the Edit Scheduled Report dialog, click Save Scheduled Report.
      The changed filters are applied to the scheduled report.
    • To revert the filter changes, click the down-arrow by Update Report Filters, then click Cancel.
      The regular Alerts page is displayed (without the option to update filters).