Machine Learning & AI Resources

Machine Learning & AI resources are available in InsightCloudSec as the sixth section (tab) under the Resource landing page. These resources are related to machine learning and artificial intelligence functionality and include resources like machine learning instances, automation accounts, and Open AI instances.

Resources are displayed alphabetically using the InsightCloudSec normalized terminology. Hovering over an individual resource provides the CSP-specific term with the associated logo to help users confirm the displayed information. For example, a Machine Learning Instance refers to Amazon's "Sagemaker Notebook" and Google's "AI Platform Notebook".

For a detailed reference of this normalized terminology check out our section on Resource Terminology.

Some attributes may not be included in these lists

A large number of Resource Attributes are offered for the resources outlined here. Because we are continuously expanding our supported resources the attributes and details included here can not be guaranteed to include every resource or every attribute.

If you need information about the attributes of a particular resource we are happy to help get those details for you - reach out to us through the Customer Support Portal with any questions!

Automation Account

Automation Account

Automation Accounts orchestrate cloud-based automation tasks for you, including operating system and configuration updates, to ensure consistent management across your cloud environments.

resource_idThe primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters
organization_service_idThe ID of the parent organization service (cloud)
region_nameThe name of the region in which the automation account resides
nameThe name of the automation account
skuThe Stock Keeping Unit of the automation account
creation_timeThe time the automation was created
local_authDenotes whether the automation account allows local authentication
managed_identityDenotes whether the automation account uses a managed identity for access
publicDenotes whether the automation account is publicly accessible
source_controlList of source control configurations
source_control_countThe count of source control configurations
private_endpoint_connectionsList of private endpoint connections
private_endpoint_connection_countThe count of private endpoint connections
namespace_idThe fully qualified ID of the resource, including the resource name and resource type

Bedrock Agent

A Bedrock Agent acts as an intermediary orchestrator between users, data, models, and software.

resource_idThe primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters.
organization_service_idThe ID of the parent organization service (cloud).
bedrock_agent_idThe ID for the agent.
bedrock_agent_nameThe name for the agent.
bedrock_agent_statusThe status of the agent.
agent_versionThe version of the agent.
base_modelThe foundation model used for orchestration by the agent.
role_arnThe role resource name associated with the agent.
descriptionA description of the agent.
update_timeThe time when the agent was last updated.
creation_timeThe time when the agent was created.
guardrail_idThe guardrails ID assigned to the guardrails configuration.
recommended_actionsThe recommended actions to take for the agent-related API to succeed.
namespace_idThe namespace ID for the agent.

Bedrock Model

A Bedrock Model is self-contained code that has been trained on a dataset to recognize patterns in or make assumptions about datasets without human intervention.

resource_idThe primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters.
organization_service_idThe ID of the parent organization service (cloud).
bedrock_model_nameThe name of the model.
bedrock_model_idThe ID for the model.
base_model_arnThe resource name for the base model.
bedrock_model_typeThe type of model.
creation_timeThe creation time for the model.
key_resource_idResource ID for the key associated with the model.
job_resource_idResource ID for the job associated with the model.
inference_types_supportedThe inference types that the model supports.
input_modalitiesThe input modalities that the model supports.
output_modalitiesThe output modalities that the model supports.
provider_nameThe model's provider name.
namespace_idThe namespace ID for the job.

Bedrock Training Job

A Bedrock Training Job is a singular, running instance of a model training.

resource_idThe primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters
organization_service_idThe ID of the parent organization service (cloud)
region_nameThe name of the region in which the job resides
bedrock_job_idThe ID for the job
bedrock_job_nameThe name of the job
base_model_arnThe ARN associated with the base model for the job
role_arnThe ARN for the role associated with the job
network_resource_idThe resource ID for the network associated with the job
statusThe status of the job
training_data_config_s3_uriThe S3 location for the training data
validation_data_config_s3_uriThe S3 location for the validation data
output_data_config_s3_uriThe S3 location for the output data
training_data_config_s3_resource_idThe resource ID for the S3 associated with the training data
validation_data_config_s3_resource_idThe resource ID for the S3 associated with the validation data
output_data_config_s3_resource_idThe resource ID for the S3 associated with the output data
custom_model_arnThe ARN associated with the custom model for the job
custom_model_nameThe name of the custom model
customization_typeDenotes the customization type for the model
creation_timeThe time when the job was created
end_timeThe time when the job finished
last_modified_timeThe time the job was last modified
namespace_idThe provider-specific namespace ID value
Bot Service

Bot Service

Bot services provide an interactive experience, for example a virtual assistant or support for your website, built off of your data.

resource_idThe primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters
organization_service_idThe ID of the parent organization service (cloud)
nameThe name of the bot service
bot_service_idThe ID for the bot service
provisioning_stateThe provisioning state of the bot service
public_network_accessThe network access configuration of the bot service
disable_local_authDenotes whether local authentication is disabled for the bot service
cmek_enabledDenotes whether customer managed encryption keys are enabled on the bot service
cmek_encryption_statusThe status of customer managed encryption keys on the bot service
msa_app_idMicrosoft Application ID associated with the bot service
msa_app_typeMicrosoft Application type associated with the bot service
resource_groupThe name of the resource group the bot service is associated with
namespace_idThe provider-specific namespace ID value
Cognitive Search

Cognitive Search uses artificial intelligence to identify and explore large amounts of content.

resource_idThe primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters
organization_service_idThe ID of the parent organization service (cloud)
nameThe name of the cognitive search.
resource_groupThe name of the resource group that the cognitive search is associated with
provisioning_stateThe provisioning state of the cognitive search
public_network_accessThe network access configuration of the cognitive search
region_nameThe name of the region in which the cognitive search resides
statusThe status of the cognitive search
skuThe SKU value of the cognitive search
cognitive_search_idThe ID of the cognitive search
private_endpoint_connectionsThe number of private endpoint connections
private_link_resourcesPrivate Link resources associated with the cognitive search
api_access_controlType of API access controls on the cognitive search
replica_countTotal number of copies of the search index
disable_local_authDenotes whether local authentication is disabled
encryption_with_cmk_enforcementDenotes whether Customer Managed Key encryption is enforced on the cognitive search
encryption_with_cmk_complianceDenotes whether Customer Managed Key encryption is in compliance on the cognitive search
namespace_idThe unique composite ID of the provider ID for the resource
Cognitive Services Account

Cognitive Services Account

Cognitive Services Accounts package together many different AI and API services, enabling applications to leverage cognitive capabilities with ease.

resource_idThe primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters
organization_service_idThe ID of the parent organization service (cloud)
account_nameThe name of the account
region_nameThe region in which the account resides
skuThe pricing tier for the account
managed_identityThe presence of an identity on the account
resource_groupThe resource group of the account
global_encryptionThe encryption type of the account
key_resource_idThe key vault resource ID of the account
namespace_idThe namespace ID of the account
public_network_accessThe public network access status of the account
endpointsThe endpoints of the account
private_endpoint_connectionsThe number of private endpoints on the account
Computer Vision

Computer Vision

Computer Vision uses artificial intelligence to provide insights from image and video content. Note: This resources' attributes match the Cognitive Services Accounts' attributes.

Content Moderator

Content Moderator

Content Moderator provides automated image, text, and video moderation. Note: This resources' attributes match the Cognitive Services Accounts' attributes.

Language Service

Language Service

Language Service provides natural language capabilities via an API. Note: This resources' attributes match the Cognitive Services Accounts' attributes.



LUIS API allows your applications to understand commands from your users using natural language processing. Note: This resources' attributes match the Cognitive Services Accounts' attributes.

Machine Learning Instance

Machine Learning Instance

Machine learning instances, e.g. Amazon Sagemaker, are fully managed machine learning services, used to build and train machine learning models through a secure and scalable environment.

resource_idThe primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters
organization_service_idThe ID of the parent organization service (cloud)
region_nameThe name of the region
instance_idThe provider ID of the instance
arnThe ARN of the machine learning instance
nameThe name of the machine learning instance
instance_typeThe instance type of machine learning instance
ml_instance_typeThe machine learning type
instance_flavor_resource_idThe resource ID of the type (flavor) the instance runs on
stateThe state of the instance
subnet_idThe ID of the subnet
direct_internet_accessIndicates if the machine learning instance has direct internet access
volume_size_gbThe size of the attached volume in GB
key_resource_idThe resource ID of the encryption key, if applicable
role_resource_idThe resource ID of the associated role, if applicable
urlThe direct URL to the machine learning instance
lifecycle_configThe optional lifecycle configuration name that is associated with the machine learning instance
root_accessDenotes whether or not the machine learning instance prohibits root access
locationThe location of the machine learning instance
namespace_idThe unique composite ID of the provider ID for the machine learning instance
relationshipsList of resources associated with the machine learning instance
environmentThe environment running on the machine learning instance
environment_versionThe version of the environment running on the machine learning instance
Machine Learning Training Job

Machine Learning Training Job

A machine learning training job is a computation task that trains a machine learning model.

resource_idThe primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters
organization_service_idThe ID of the parent organization service (cloud)
region_nameThe region in which the training job resides
arnThe ARN associated with the training job
nameThe name of the training job
stateThe state of the training job
secondary_stateThe secondary state of the training job
hyper_parametersThe hyper parameters configured for the job
algorithm_specificationThe algorithm specifications configured for the job
role_resource_idThe IAM role ARN assigned to the job
input_configThe inputs configured for the job
output_configThe outputs configured for the job
resource_configThe compute resource configured for the job
instance_typeThe instance type configured for the job
instance_countThe instance count configured for the job
instance_flavor_resource_idThe resource ID of the type (flavor) the training job runs on
creation_dateThe creation date of the training job
start_timeThe start time of the training job
end_timeThe end time of the training job
enable_network_isolationDenotes whether network isolation is enabled
enable_inter_container_encryptionDenotes whether inter-container traffic encryption is enabled
enable_managed_spot_trainingDenotes whether managed spot training is enabled
training_timeDenotes the total run time in seconds for the training job
billable_timeDenotes the total billable time in seconds for the training job
key_resource_idDenotes the ID for the key configured for the training job
environment_variablesDenotes the environment variables configured for the training job
relationshipsA list of resources associated with the training job
contains_secretIndicates if the training job contains a Secret within the environment variables
Open AI

Open AI

Open AI enables you to apply advanced coding and language models to your own use cases. This resources' attributes match the Cognitive Services Accounts' attributes.



Personalizer assists in providing a unique, relevant experience for each of your users. This resources' attributes match the Cognitive Services Accounts' attributes.

Speech Services

Speech Services

Speech services encapsulates several different speech-related features including text-to-speech, speech-to-text, translation, and speaker recognition. This resources' attributes match the Cognitive Services Accounts' attributes.



Translator provides machine translation via an API. This resources' attributes match the Cognitive Services Accounts' attributes.

Vertex Custom Job

Vertex Custom Job

A Vertex Custom Job is a singular, running instance of a custom model training.

resource_idThe primary resource identifier that takes the form of a prefix followed by numbers and letters
organization_service_idThe ID of the parent organization service (cloud)
region_nameThe name of the region in which the job resides
namespace_idThe provider-specific namespace ID value
stateThe status of the job
job_nameThe name of the job
last_modified_timeThe time the job was last modified
creation_timeThe time when the job was created
service_encryption_keyThe encryption key associated with the job
job_specThe specification associated with the job