MTC Report Deliverables

With your Managed Threat Complete (MTC) service, you’ll receive various report deliverables uploaded to your Rapid7 Services Portal delivered via the secure file transfer system. Sample deliverables and reports are shown below and listed in the appendix to the right.

Monthly Service Reports

Provided to your team on a monthly basis, this report provides metrics and context about threat detection and incident response activities conducted in the previous month, along with information about the health of detection and response controls in your environment.

MTC Service Report Example

View an example MDR Service Report

Report Walkthrough

Below is a video overview of the Service Report. One of our Managed Detection & Response Customer Advisors breaks down each section in details to make it easy to understand the details in the report.

Incident Response Reports

This report details all incident management activities, key findings, the timeline of attacker activity, and recommended corrective actions to prevent the likelihood of recurrence and/or improve your ability to detect and respond to similar incidents in the future.

MTC Incident Report Example

View the Incident Report example - Endpoint Malicious Document.

Service Update & Threat Briefing Presentation

As an MTC Advanced customer, your Customer Advisor will meet with your team on a monthly basis to:

  • Recap the previous month’s MTC related security activities and key metrics
  • Perform a security posture review and collaborate with your team to determine a gameplan to strengthen your security posture
  • Review your security program against our critical controls framework to strategically improve your security maturity
  • Provide advice on your future security projects if requested

Additionally, this review may include metrics to measure and highlight the progress you’ve made to strengthen your security posture by collaborating with your Customer Advisor and Rapid7. These present a high-level snapshot of MTC related security activities and trending analysis that can be shared with Executive teams to prove the value and ROI of Rapid7 MTC.


View an example Threat Briefing & Trend Reporting Presentation

Security Posture Assessment Report

Once the Insight Agent is deployed to 80% or more of the endpoints in your in-scope environment, a Security Posture Assessment will be performed to hunt for potential avenues for a future breach and assess your current security posture. The report deliverable provides remediation and mitigation recommendations to reduce these risks.

If the Security Posture Assessment finds that there is an active compromise, the incident response process will be initiated, and you will be notified by e-mail and/or phone (depending on incident severity).

MTC Security-Posture-Assessment

View an example Security Posture Assessment Report

Critical Security Controls Assessment

(Part of MTC Ultimate & Advanced Services)

Your Customer Advisor will work with you to assess, develop, and present a roadmap to improve your overall security program based on the Center for Internet Security - Critical Security Controls v8. The CIS Critical Security Controls (CIS Controls) is a prioritized set of safeguard best practices to mitigate the most prevalent cyber-attacks against systems and networks, and is often referenced by multiple legal, regulatory, and policy frameworks. This roadmap will be a guide for your monthly Security Posture Review Meetings and presents an opportunity for Rapid7’s experts to collaborate with your team to strategically improve our detection visibility and response capabilities.

MTC CSC Report Example

View an example Critical Security Controls Assessment Report

D&R Readiness Assessment

(Part of MTC Ultimate & Advanced Services)

Interview-based approach that reviews your present Incident Response Plan and provides recommended changes to better integrate with the Rapid7 incident response team during a security event. We will also recommend overall plan improvements and updates to support today’s cyber attacks.

D&R Readiness Assessment

IR Planning Workshop

During onboarding, you will attend an on demand webinar that will help your team to build an Incident Response Plan and Runbook for engaging with the Rapid7 MTC service. This will provide you with the foundational tools and framework to appropriately respond in the event an incident was discovered and addressed by Rapid7’s MTC team.

Top 25 Remediations by Risk Report

The Top Remediations template provides high-level information for assessing the highest impact remediation solutions. The template includes the percentage of total vulnerabilities resolved, the percentage of vulnerabilities with malware kits, the percentage of vulnerabilities with known exploits, and the number of assets affected when the top remediation solutions are applied.

This report presents the best solutions as determined by how recently they were released and how well they address the vulnerability on all the types of machines in your environment. To review all potential solutions for a given vulnerability, see the Remediations section on the details page for that vulnerability.

The Top Remediations template includes information in the following areas:

  • The number of vulnerabilities that will be remediated, including vulnerabilities with no exploits or malware that will be remediated.
  • Vulnerabilities and total risk score associated with the solution.
  • The number of targeted vulnerabilities that have known exploits associated with them.
  • The number of targeted vulnerabilities with available malware kits.
  • The number of assets to be addressed by remediation.
  • The amount of risk that will be reduced by the remediations

Top 25 Remediations by Risk with details Report

View an example Report to show the Top 25 Remediations by Risk

Vulnerability Risk Scorecard

The Risk Scorecard allows you to be flexible with your reporting. Some of our customers use the risk scorecard to compare risk across each of their offices. Some customers like to see the risk score across each of their critical assets. Some even like to compare the risk score by device or OS type. Whatever the case is for you, the risk scorecard breaks down the risk score of your segments and tells you what vulnerabilities, if remediated, could have the biggest impact and lower your risk score.

Risk Scorecard

View an example Report to show the Risk Scorecard

Top 10 Assets by Vulnerabilities

The Top 10 Assets by Vulnerabilities report lists the 10 top assets in your organization that have the most vulnerabilities. This report does not account for cumulative risk. You can use this report to view the most vulnerable services to determine if services should be turned off to reduce risk. This report is also useful for prioritizing remediation efforts by listing the assets that have the most vulnerable services.

Top 10 Assets by Vulnerability Report

View an example of the Report Top 10 Assets by Vulnerabilities