Surface Command Overview

Surface Command breaks down data silos by combining comprehensive attack surface visibility across hybrid environments to build a dynamic 360-degree view of your entire attack surface in one place. External scans provide an adversary’s perspective on the attack surface, detecting and validating exposures while highlighting areas attackers are most likely to target.

Surface Command combines these external scans with a detailed inventory of your internal assets, no matter the security or IT tool used to scan them. This process delivers complete visibility into your attack surface without the risk of blind spots, unprotected assets, and ungoverned access. Understanding how assets are configured assists in quickly identify and address misconfigurations, shadow IT, and compliance issues. This integrated approach gives you a holistic view of your digital landscape, enabling proactive risk mitigation, threat prevention, and rapid response.

Surface Command

Data flow

Surface Command pulls data from the various connectors to provide a complete picture of your environment. Surface Command also monitors the data for changes, and optionally, takes action using workflows. There are several parts to this process:

  1. Ingestion - Surface Command pulls data using Connectors. Connectors' ingestion can be scheduled to run at the time and frequency that is most appropriate for your environment (typically daily).
  2. Correlation - As data comes in from Connectors, Surface Command correlates the data that refers to the same object and provides a unified view of that object. Each unified view of an object is represented as an asset in the system. Each of the records that are determined to be referring to the same object are linked to that unified asset. Correlation also tracks relationships between data. If an information source indicates a relationship between two objects (for example, a Machine has a specific IP address or owner), those relationships are inherited by the unified object they are correlated with.
  3. Unified property fulfillment - Each unified asset has a list of properties that are common for that type of asset. The most appropriate value for each of those properties is determined by evaluating the related properties of the correlated information source records and choosing the best value to include in the property of the unified asset. When you run queries for unified assets and look at their details, you are presented with these fulfilled unified properties, but you can also display all of the information source properties that were considered.

Surface Command features

Rapid7 currently offers the following product options containing Surface Command:

  • Surface Command is for teams looking to consolidate their attack surface into a unified, single-pane-of-glass view.
  • Exposure Command is for teams looking for a holistic view of their attack surface (Surface Command) as well as some cloud and on-premise monitoring, including attack path analysis, risk prioritization, and vulnerability management.
  • Exposure Command Advanced is for teams looking for a holistic view of their attack surface (Surface Command) as well as extensive cloud and on-premise monitoring, compliance alignment, infrastructure as code (IaC) scanning, automation capabilities, least privileged access management, and threat detection.

Feature comparison

The following table lists key differences between the products at a feature-level.

Attack Surface management

Included CapabilitySurface CommandExposure CommandExposure Command Advanced
Asset Discovery and Unified Inventory
Attack Surface Visibility, including Identities, Software, and Controls
Asset Enrichment with Security Context
Blast Radius Mapping with Asset Graph
Built-In Automation and Policy Enforcement
External Attack Surface Discovery
Continuous Assessment Service (Coming Soon)Add-OnAdd-OnAdd-On

Exposure management

Included CapabilitySurface CommandExposure CommandExposure Command Advanced
Multi-cloud Visibility Across AWS, Azure, GCP, and Kubernetes (limited to CIS Compliance-related resources)¹-
Extended Cloud Visibility Across AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and Alibaba Cloud (all resource types)--
Cloud and Container Vulnerability Assessment-
Best Practices Configuration Assessment, including CIS-
Contextual Risk Prioritization (Layered Context)-
Attack Path Analysis-
Notifications and Integrations-
100s of Out-of-the-Box Compliance Policies and Industry Standards--
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Scanning--
Effective and Least Privileged Access (LPA) Management--
Cloud Threat Detection--
Automated Cloud Remediation--
Discovery, Vulnerability, and Policy Scanning-
Agent-based Vulnerability and Policy Assessment-
Dynamic Asset Tagging with Criticality Rating-
Threat Aware Active Risk Score-
Customizable Live Dashboards and Reporting-
Remediation Workflows-
Goals & SLAs-
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)--
Executive Risk View-
Remediation Hub (Coming Soon)-
Bulk Data Export API (Coming Soon)-
450+ Out-of-the-Box Integrations with Security and ITOps Tools-
Security, Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR)-
¹ Exposure Command Product Resource Limitations

The Exposure Command product is limited to monitoring only the resources that are related to CIS and AWS Foundations compliance. The resource types in the following table come directly from the InsightCloudSec inventory view.

Resource TypeAWS TypeAzure TypeGCP TypeKubernetes Type
Access ListNACL/Security GroupNetwork Security GroupNetwork Firewall
Access List Flow LogNSG Flow Logs
Access List RuleNACL/Security Group RulesSecurity RulesFirewall Rules
API Access KeyIAM User Access KeyApplication CredentialsService Account Key
API Accounting ConfigCloudTrailLogs Storage
App ConfigurationApp Configuration
Automation AccountAutomation Account
Autoscaling GroupAutoscaling GroupVirtual Machine Scale SetsAutoscalers
Batch EnvironmentBatch Compute EnvironmentBatch Account
Big Data InstanceRedshift
Big Data WorkspaceSynapse
Bot ServiceBot Service
Cache InstanceElastiCacheRedis CacheMemorystore
Cloud AccountCloud AccountSubscriptionProject
Cloud Access PointS3 Access Point
Cloud AppApp Registration
Cloud CredentialsAPI Keys
Cloud DatasetBig Query Dataset
Cloud GroupIAM GroupAzure Active Directory GroupGroup
Cloud PolicyIAM Policy (Customer Managed)Role DefinitionRole Permission Set
Cloud RegionRegionRegionRegion
Cloud RoleIAM RoleAzure Active Directory Service PrincipalService Account
Cloud UserIAM UserAzure Active Directory UserUser
ClustersEKS/ECS/Fargate ClusterKubernetes ServiceGKE
Cognitive SearchCognitive Search
Cold StorageGlacier
Container RegistryContainer Registry (ECR)Container RegistryContainer Registry
Content Delivery NetworkCloudFrontCDN Profile, Front Door (Standard/Premium)Cloud CDN
Control PlaneControl Plane
DatabaseSQL Database/Dedicated SQL PoolCloud SQL Database
Database ClusterRDS Aurora, Neptune, DocumentDB
Database InstanceRDS Database, Neptune, DocumentDBSQL Server, Azure Database for PostgreSQL/MySQL/MariaDBCloud SQL
Databricks WorkspaceDatabricks Workspace
Data FactoryData FactoryData Fusion
Data StreamKinesisEvent Hub Namespace
Dataflow JobDataflow Job
Delivery StreamFirehose
Directory ServiceDirectory Service
Distributed TableDynamoDBAzure Cosmos DB
Distributed Table ClusterDynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)Bigtable
DLP JobDLP Inspection Job
DNS ZoneRoute53 DNS ZoneDNS ZoneDNS Zone
Elasticsearch InstanceOpenSearch
Encryption KeyKMSKey Vault KeyCloud KMS CryptoKey
Encryption Key VaultKey VaultCloud KMS Keyring
Event Grid TopicEvent Grid Topic
Global Load BalancerGlobal AcceleratorFront Door (Classic)
GraphQL APIAppSync API
 InstanceEC2 InstanceVirtual MachineCompute Engine
Load BalancerLoad Balancer (ELB/ALB/NLB/Gateway)Load Balancer/Application GatewayLoad Balancer
Log GroupCloudWatch Log Group
Logic AppLogic App
Machine Learning InstanceSagemaker NotebookAI Platform Notebook
MapReduce ClusterElastic MapReduce (EMR)HDInsightClusterDataproc
Message QueueSimple Queue Service (SQS)Service Bus Queue
NetworkVPCVirtual NetworkVPC
Network PeerVPC PeerPeeringsNetwork Peer
Private SubnetVPC SubnetSubnetSubnetwork
Serverless FunctionLambdaFunctionCloud Function
Shared File SystemEFS/FSxFile ShareCloud Filestore
SSL CertificateIAM/ACM SSL CertificateSSL CertificateSSL Certificate
Storage AccountStorage Account
Storage ContainerS3 BucketBlog Storage ContainerCloud Storage
Stream InstanceMSK Instance
Task DefinitionsTask Definition (ECS)
VolumeEBS VolumeDiskPersistent Disk
Web AppElastic Beanstalk EnvironmentApp Service
Web Application FirewallWeb Application FirewallWeb Application Firewall PoliciesCloud Armor
WorkspaceWorkspace Instances

Onboarding experiences

The following table lists the different experiences and onboarding timelines for each of the CRC offerings.

Implementation Success PackageSurface CommandExposure CommandExposure Command Advanced
Attack Surface Management---
Cloud Security-2 half-day sessions2 days
On-Prem Vulnerability Management-Workshops & Technical Assistance2 days