Social Media Threats

The Social Media tab shows the following threats:

Twitter chatter

The Twitter chatter tab shows every match of a company domain asset in public Twitter references. This data is shown in the Tweet content column.

There is no Alert Profiler rule, so alerts are not created by these threats. You can change the profiler settings in the Brand Security tab, as described in Alert Profiler.

The threats page is sorted by Publication date. You can change the sorting by clicking the other column headings.

Click the threat row to show the full threat details.

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Twitter Chatter details screen

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Suspicious Twitter profiles

By default, only results with high relevance - a good likelihood to deceive others and good potential to be successfully remediated - are displayed. You can see all threats by clearing the Relevancy filter.

When you click a threat listing, a screenshot of the profile is displayed, together with the suspicious profile details, including how many profiles it follows, how many followers the profile has, description, latest post, and others.

Social media threats are sorted by date of the last update, by default.

You can filter the view by clicking the filter buttons above the table or by using the Query Language. For more information, see Filter and search threats.

You can use the Alert Profiler to fine-tune which threats trigger alerts.

Suspicious Twitter profile threatstemporary placeholderSuspicious Twitter profile threat details screentemporary placeholder