Create and Manage Cloud Reports

The Reports overview page contains any existing reports that have previously been run. You can view their details, run them again, or delete them. You can also create new reports.

Create reports

To create reports from cloud-based data:

  1. From your InsightVM Security Console, expand the navigation menu and select Reports > Cloud-Generated.
  2. On the Cloud-Generated Reports page, click Create Report and select the report type:
  1. If you chose Easy Reports or Your Dashboards, select a template. If you chose Export as CSV, select the data you want in the report.
  2. Optionally, set the scope of your report by selecting a saved query from the Query Builder. If you chose to export Agent-Based Policies as a CSV, select the policies you want to include.
  3. Add the details of your report, including a name and an optional description.
  • You can share the report with selected individuals.
  • You can set up a schedule for this report to run it at a regular frequency.
  1. Click Create Report.

Run reports

You can run one or more existing reports to give stakeholders a snapshot of the data that was generated on a specific date.

To run an existing cloud-generated report:

  1. From your InsightVM Security Console, expand the navigation menu and select Reports.
  2. In the banner prompt, click Take me there to open the Reports overview page.
  3. Find a report in the list using a search or a filter.
  4. Click the ellipsis (...) to open the options menu.
  5. Click Run Report.

Schedule reports

You can set up a report schedule either when you create a report or when you are editing one.

To create a schedule:

  1. From your InsightVM Security Console, expand the navigation menu and select Reports.
  2. In the banner prompt, click Take me there to open the Reports overview page.
  3. Find the report you want to schedule and click the ellipsis (...) to open the options menu.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. In the Report wizard, go to the last step to update the details.
  6. Under Schedule, click Run a recurring report to set up the schedule.
  7. Set the start date and time of the report.
  8. Set the frequency of the report. The available options are: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Custom.
  9. Click Save Report.

To remove a schedule:

  1. Follow steps 1-5 of the previous procedure.
  2. Under Schedule, select Not scheduled.
  3. Click Save Report.

Share reports

If you want to share reports with other users in your organization or other individuals outside your organization, you have the option to do so.

With external sharing, the recipients receive a token by email that allows them to view only the report in InsightVM Console—other areas of the Console are restricted.

Schedules inherit your browser's timezone

The timezone for the schedule comes from your current browser settings and will remain in that timezone even if your settings change.

  1. In the Report wizard, go to the last step to update the details.
  2. To share the report with internal users, enter their username or email address separated by commas.
  3. To share the report with external recipients, select Allow sharing with external recipients and enter their email addresses separated by commas.

Delete reports

  1. From your InsightVM Security Console, expand the left menu and select Reports.
  2. A banner prompt at the top of the page includes a link. Click Take me there to open the Reports overview page. Find a report in the list using a search or a filter.
  3. In the top right, click the ellipsis (...) to open the options menu.
  4. Click Delete Report.