This engine release includes Macro based HOTP/TOTP Authentication, enhancements to the SSL Strength and Swagger UI DOM Based attack modules. In addition, we have added enhanced Proxy support capabilities. It also includes various R7Crawler and ChromeHost improvements.
This engine release includes enhancements to the BSQL Injection, File Inclusion and SSL Strength Modules. It also includes various R7Crawler and ChromeHost improvements.
This engine release includes enhancements to the XSS severity when Content-Type is application/json. It also includes R7Crawler improvements, as well as various improvements and fixes for Automated Login Finder (ALF).
This engine release includes enhancements to the HTTP Headers, the X-Powered-By HTTP Header and Server Configuration modules. It also includes Macro playback improvements as well as various improvements and fixes for Automated Login Finder (ALF).
This latest major version release for AppSpider includes new crawler updates, a new REST service, Swagger/OpenAPI upgrade, new attack modules, as well as various improvements.
This release includes various improvements and fixes.
This release includes a new Selenium ChromeDriver version and an improvement to Swagger UI reports.
This release includes a new attack, a new MSAL authentication option, as well as various fixes.
This release includes a new OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks Report, a new attack, as well as various improvements.
This release includes a new attack template, a new attack, as well as various improvements and fixes.