Linux Installation
Open Preview migration steps
If you have previously installed the Insight Agent with either .deb
or .rpm
as part of our Open Preview program, complete the required migration steps. You do not need to do anything if you have not taken part in our Open Preview program.
This article guides you through the installation process for the Insight Agent on your assets if you are using the Linux Operating System.
Linux and Mac `.sh` installer deprecation
The .sh
Insight Agent installer will be deprecated on November 15, 2024. It is accessible until that date through our installation guides.
Still need to download the installer? See the Download and Installation overview page for instructions on how to download the correct installer for the operating system of your intended asset.
Before proceeding with the installation, verify that your intended asset is running a supported operating system and meets the connectivity requirements. If your organization also uses endpoint protection software, ensure that the Insight Agent is allowed to run when detected.
Installation permissions
To run the commands listed in this article, you will require sudo
The Insight Agent installer supports proxy definitions. If you need to direct your Insight Agents to send data through a proxy before reaching the Insight Platform, see the Proxy Configuration page for instructions
Install the Insight Agent on the Collector
As with the rest of the endpoints on your network, you must install the Insight Agent on the Collector if you want to have data on that host. The Collector is not an Agent on its own.
Install the Insight Agent on RedHat-based Linux (.rpm)
The .rpm
installer can be applied with both the Token installation option and the Certificate Package installation option and will automatically upgrade your Insight Agents to from the previous .sh installer.
GPG verification
You can verify the GPG signature for the following files by downloading Rapid7's public key
To list the public GPG key installed on the machine:
rpm -qa gpg-*
To manually import the public GPG key:
rpm --import {public-GPG-key-here}
To get details about the public GPG key installed on the machine:
rpm -qi gpg-pubkey-{version-release-here}
To verify the RPM files:
rpm -K rapid7-insight-agent-{version}-0.{architecture}.rpm
Step 1: Install the Insight Agent (.rpm)
After downloading the file for the architecture of your choice, place the installer in a directory on the host machine and navigate to it. Run the following commands to install the Insight Agent using either the RPM
or DNF
package managers (make sure to substitute the {version}
and {architecture}
placeholder values before executing these commands):
RPM installation command
1sudo rpm -i rapid7-insight-agent-{version}-0.{architecture}.rpm
DNF installation command
1sudo dnf -i rapid7-insight-agent-{version}-0.{architecture}.rpm
Step 2: Configure the Insight Agent (.rpm)
Skip this step in the event of a version upgrade or if you used the .rpm installer to replace an existing .sh installation Insight Agent
Run the configuration script only if you use the .rpm installer for a fresh installation. This step is unnecessary if you are replacing an existing .sh installation of the Insight Agent. All previously set Insight Agent properties (including the Insight Agent's ID, proxy configuration, and attributes) will be automatically preserved.
After a fresh installation, run the
configuration script to connect the Insight Agent to the Insight Platform. This script will make the Insight Agent fully operational. You can find this script in the following location of your Insight Agent installation directory ({version}
will correspond to the Insight Agent version you have just installed):
With the .rpm
installer, you can configure the Insight Agent by using the Token installation option or the Certificate Package installation option. Read more about these options in the overview page
Available arguments
The configuration script supports several arguments you can specify to configure a variety of Insight Agent options. Run
help in your terminal to display an explanation of these arguments. These details are reproduced here for your convenience:
112-a, --attributes=ATTRIBUTES: Custom attributes may be used to identify and group Insight Agents in ways that are meaningful to your organization. Use commas to specify multiple attributes. Example: --attributes=\"lab_system, managed, commercial\"3245637-c, --certificate_package_installation=PACKAGE_PATH: Supply a path to the configuration files if already downloaded or where they should be downloaded if using a token8491011512-t, --token=TOKEN: Supply a token generated by the server in place of the config files136141516717-p, --https-proxy=PROXY: Supply an HTTPS proxy for the Insight Agent to use when communicating with the Insight Platform. Example:, with credentials --https-proxy=<username>:<password> Disable Insight Platform managed updates for all Insight Agent sub-components (default: False)23102425261127-s, --start: Start the Insight Agent service after configuration is complete28122930311332-v: Prints all logs to stderr33143435361537--no_connectivity_check: Continue configuring the Insight Agent when any connectivity checks fail38163940411742--no_version_check: If a newer version of this script is found, proceed with configuration
Configure the Insight Agent using a Token (.rpm)
This example configuration script command utilizes the token option (substitute the {token}
portion with your complete token shown in your Agent Management interface), specifies a proxy address (substitute the {proxy-address}
portion with the IP address and port of your proxy), and configures several attributes. Finally, the script is instructed to start the Insight Agent service:
1./ --token {token} -v --https-proxy={proxy-address} --attributes "attribute1,attribute2,attribute3,attribute4" --start
Configure the Insight Agent using the Certificate Package (.rpm)
If you need to complete your Insight Agent configuration using the certificate package option, you first need to download the necessary certificate files from the Insight Platform:
- Extract the contents of the package to retrieve the certificate files (do not run the installer scripts that are included alongside the certificate files as they are not used in this procedure):
- Relocate these certificate files to the installation directory of your RPM-edition Insight Agent.
- Finally, run the configuration script to finish.
This example configuration script command targets the configuration files you just downloaded (substitute the {path-to-cert-files}
with the local path where the files are stored), specifies a proxy address (substitute the {proxy-address}
portion with the IP address and port of your proxy), and configures several attributes. Finally, the script is instructed to start the Insight Agent service:
1./ --certificate_package_installation {path-to-cert-files} -v --https-proxy={proxy-address} --attributes "attribute1,attribute2,attribute3,attribute4" --start
Other useful commands (.rpm)
View the followings section for additional commands for your Insight Agent.
Update the Insight Agent (.rpm)
Update all Insight Agents automatically (.rpm)
Just like your other Insight Agents, your RPM-edition Insight Agents will update themselves according to the Insight Platform update settings you have configured in your Agent Management interface. Navigate to Settings > Managed Agent Updates in Agent Management to adjust these controls.
RPM and DNF package managers may not recognize Insight Agent updates initiated by Agent Management
Due to the way the Insight Agent's component manager performs its update process, be aware that the RPM and DNF package managers might not recognize that an Insight Agent has been updated to a new version if the update was initiated by your Agent Management settings. If you allow Agent Management to update to your Insight Agents automatically, always regard the Agent Management interface as the single source of truth for the version status of your RPM-edition Insight Agents.
Update the Insight Agent manually (.rpm)
If you prefer to have manual control over your RPM-edition Insight Agent update process, you can update them with the following RPM and DNF commands (make sure to substitute the {version}
and {architecture}
placeholder values with the currently installed values before executing these commands):
RPM update command
1rpm -U rapid7-insight-agent-{version}-0.{architecture}.rpm
DNF update command
If you utilize a private DNF repository, you only need to run the second command listed here. This will automatically update both packages.
1dnf install rapid7-insight-agent-{version}-0.{architecture}.rpm
Uninstall the Insight Agent (.rpm)
If you need to uninstall an RPM-edition Insight Agent, you will need to uninstall both the Insight Agent component and the component manager separately. You can do so with these RPM and DNF commands:
RPM uninstall command
1rpm -e rapid7-insight-agent
DNF uninstall command
1dnf remove rapid7-insight-agent
Manually start the Insight Agent service (.rpm)
The configuration script detailed in step 2 features its own attribute that you can include to start the Insight Agent service automatically, however if you need to start the Insight Agent service separately for any reason, you can do so with the following command:
1systemctl start ir_agent.service
Check the status of the Insight Agent service (.rpm)
1systemctl status ir_agent.service
Stop the Insight Agent service (.rpm)
1systemctl stop ir_agent.service
Check which Rapid7 packages are installed (.rpm)
1dnf search rapid7
Install the Insight Agent on Debian-based Linux (.deb)
The .deb
installer can be applied with both the Token installation option and the Certificate Package installation option.
GPG verification
You can verify the GPG signature for the following files by downloading Rapid7's public key
To manually import the public GPG key:
gpg --import {public-GPG-key-here}
Before you can verify the signature of the installation files, you'll need to install the dpkg-sig
utility first. To install dpkg-sig
sudo apt-get install dpkg-sig
Finally, to verify the DEB files:
dpkg-sig -c rapid7-insight-agent-{version}-1.{arch-code}.deb
Step 1: Install the Insight Agent (.deb)
OS Architecture code legend
The architecture codes contained in each DEB installer filename indicate the OS architecture that the installer is intended for:
= x86-64arm64
= ARM64
After downloading the file for the architecture of your choice, you will need to change the working directory of your terminal to the newly created folder produced by the extraction. Run the following commands to install the Insight Agent using the Advanced Package Tool (APT) package manager (make sure to substitute the {version}
and {arch-code}
placeholder values before executing these commands):
1sudo apt-get install ./rapid7-insight-agent-{version}-1.{arch-code}.deb
Step 2: Configure the Insight Agent (.deb)
Skip this step if you used the DEB-edition installer to replace an existing .sh-edition Insight Agent
Run the configuration script only if you use the DEB-edition installer for a fresh installation. This step is unnecessary if you are replacing an existing .sh-edition of the Insight Agent. All previously set Insight Agent properties (including the Insight Agent's ID, proxy configuration, and attributes) will be automatically preserved.
After a fresh installation, run the
configuration script to connect the Insight Agent to the Insight Platform. This script will make the Insight Agent fully operational. You can find this script in the following location of your Insight Agent installation directory ({version}
will correspond to the Insight Agent version you have just installed):
With the .deb
installer, you can configure the Insight Agent by using the Token installation option or the Certificate Package installation option. Read more about these options in the overview page
Available arguments
The configuration script supports several arguments you can specify to configure a variety of Insight Agent options. Run
help in your terminal to display an explanation of these arguments. These details are reproduced here for your convenience:
112-a, --attributes=ATTRIBUTES: Custom attributes may be used to identify and group Insight Agents in ways that are meaningful to your organization. Use commas to specify multiple attributes. Example: --attributes=\"lab_system, managed, commercial\"3245637-c, --certificate_package_installation=PACKAGE_PATH: Supply a path to the configuration files if already downloaded or where they should be downloaded if using a token8491011512-t, --token=TOKEN: Supply a token generated by the server in place of the config files136141516717-p, --https-proxy=PROXY: Supply an HTTPS proxy for the Insight Agent to use when communicating with the Insight Platform. Example:, with credentials --https-proxy=<username>:<password>, --start: Start the Insight Agent service after configuration is complete23102425261127-v: Prints all logs to stderr28122930311332--disable-updates: Disable Insight Platform managed updates for all Insight Agent sub-components (default: False)33143435361537--no_connectivity_check: Continue configuring the Insight Agent when any connectivity checks fail.38163940411742--no_version_check: If a newer version of this script is found, proceed with configuration
Configure the Insight Agent using a Token (.deb)
This example configuration script command utilizes the token option (substitute the {token}
portion with your complete token shown in your Agent Management interface), specifies a proxy address (substitute the {proxy-address}
portion with the IP address and port of your proxy), and configures several attributes. Finally, the script is instructed to start the Insight Agent service:
1./ --token {token} -v --https-proxy={proxy-address} --attributes "attribute1,attribute2,attribute3,attribute4" --start
Configure the Certificate Package (.deb)
- Extract the contents of the package to retrieve the certificate files (do not run the installer scripts that are included alongside the certificate files as they are not used in this procedure):
- Relocate these certificate files to the installation directory of your DEB-edition Insight Agent.
- Finally, run the configuration script to finish.
This example configuration script command targets the configuration files you just downloaded (substitute the {path-to-cert-files}
with the local path where the files are stored), specifies a proxy address (substitute the {proxy-address}
portion with the IP address and port of your proxy), and configures several attributes. Finally, the script is instructed to start the Insight Agent service:
1./ --certificate_package_installation {path-to-cert-files} -v --https-proxy={proxy-address} --attributes "attribute1,attribute2,attribute3,attribute4" --start
Other useful commands (.deb)
View the followings section for additional commands for your Insight Agent.
Update the Insight Agent (.deb)
This section contains instructions on how to manage the update process for your DEB-edition Insight Agents.
Update all Insight Agents automatically (.deb)
Just like your other Insight Agents, your DEB-edition Insight Agents will update themselves according to the automatic update settings you have configured in your Agent Management interface. Navigate to Settings > Automatic Agent Updates in Agent Management to adjust these controls.
The APT package manager may not recognize Insight Agent updates initiated by Agent Management
Due to the way the Insight Agent's component manager performs its update process, be aware that the APT package manager might not recognize that an Insight Agent has been updated to a new version if the update was initiated by your Agent Management settings. If you allow Agent Management to update to your Insight Agents automatically, always regard the Agent Management interface as the single source of truth for the version status of your DEB-edition Insight Agents.
Update Insight Agents manually (.deb)
If you prefer to have manual control over your DEB-edition Insight Agent update process, you can update them with the following APT commands (make sure to substitute the {version}
and {arch-code}
placeholder values with the currently installed values before executing these commands):
1sudo apt-get install ./rapid7-insight-agent-{version}-1.{arch-code}.deb
You must restart the Insight Agent service after performing a manual update
When initiating a manual update of the Insight Agent, the Insight Agent service will stop to allow the process to complete. After the update finishes, you will need to restart the Insight Agent service manually as well. You can do so with this command:
systemctl restart ir_agent.service
Uninstall Insight Agents (.deb)
If you need to uninstall a DEB-edition Insight Agent, you will need to uninstall both the Insight Agent component and the component manager separately. You can do so with these APT commands:
1sudo apt-get remove rapid7-insight-agent
Manually start the Insight Agent service (.deb)
The configuration script detailed in step 2 features its own attribute that you can include to start the Insight Agent service automatically, but if you need to start the Insight Agent service separately for any reason, you can do so with the following command:
1systemctl start ir_agent.service
Check the status of the Insight Agent service (.deb)
1systemctl status ir_agent.service
Stop the Insight Agent service (.deb)
1systemctl stop ir_agent.service
Advanced installation options
The Insight Agent has multiple advanced options for customization. Read more about these in our advanced installation options overview.