Apr 06, 20203.8.220

Bugs Fixed

  • AppSpiderEnterprise will notify a user if invalid data has been added in the HTTP Extra header field under the Config settings.
  • Clarified scan statuses during error conditions.
  • When adding a target, only the server name will be saved. For example:
    Target http://example.com/directory/page.html is trimmed in AppSpiderEnterprise and saved as example.com.
  • We reduced restrictions on allowed password characters to match previous versions.
  • We fixed an issue where the authorization cookie failed to expire on sign out.
  • We fixed an issue where some older configs could not be saved.
  • When the urlValication flag is set to False in NTOE.config, bootstrap authentication will allow a scan to run with the customer application URL set to the machine name instead of the hostname.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Clarified support for IIS versions above 6.