May 07, 20212021.05.07


  • Allowlist sub-domains: On the Targets page, you can add sub domains to the allowlist by using the * wildcard.


  • Scan engine upgrade: We released Version 7.4.023 of the scan engine. For more information, check out the engine release notes.
  • Improved dashboard UI: We improved the way the dashboard card empty state looks.


  • We fixed an issue in the Public API that caused a 404 error when response messages came back from an API request.
  • We fixed an issue with the Public API that caused a Null Pointer Exception when updating a scan config with an undefined scope constraints list.
  • We fixed an issue with the Engine Auto toggle UI.
  • We fixed an issue that stopped scans from resuming after a blackout.
  • We fixed an issue that caused the wrong result count when a date range was applied to the All Scans table.
  • We fixed an issue that caused the status of scans that are run using on-premise engines to remain as "PROCESSED" and not updated to "COMPLETE".
  • We fixed an issue that caused an error when adding a WSDL file to a scan config.
  • We fixed an issue that caused the user list to display incorrectly when adding a new user.
  • We fixed an issue where deleting a file referenced in a scan config prevented the upload of a replacement file to that scan config.
  • We fixed an issue when enabling a previously run blackout that caused the Next Start date to reset.
  • We fixed an issue with table refresh when managing attack templates.
  • We fixed an issue that caused scans to fail if the original scan config was deleted while the scan was running.