tCell Feature Complete

As of April 14th 2023, Rapid7 will start the feature complete process for the tCell. tCell will no longer be available for subscription on the Rapid7 website.

This feature complete announcement only pertains to future deployments or feature requests. Customers that are currently subscribed to tCell will not see changes in functionality and support will continue until the end of their current contract.

For more information, please see the FAQ below or contact your Customer Success Advisor (CSA).

Schedule of Events

April 14, 2023Rapid7 announces that tCell will no longer be available for subscription.
End of customer’s contractRapid7 will no longer support tCell.


Will this affect other Rapid7 products that I use?

This has no impact on any other Rapid7 products that you use.

What if I need to keep using tCell?

If you are actively using tCell, support and sustaining updates will continue as normal. At the end of your current contract, tCell will not be available for renewal.

Why is tCell no longer being offered?

A few years ago we acquired a NextGen WAF and RASP technology, tCell. tCell's approach to securing web applications has been innovative and built on a strong technology foundation. tCell has not gained the traction with users that we expected so we’ve made the difficult decision to begin winding down our tCell service.

Who should I contact if I have more questions?

Reach out to your CSA with any additional questions.