How to request access to Insight Platform products and trials

The Insight Platform makes it easy for users to request access to products belonging to your organization and trials for products that you aren't currently subscribed to. Platform Administrators can review and take action on these requests in the User Management page of the Insight Platform.

Make sure you have enough Platform Administrator coverage!

Only users with the Platform Administrator role can approve product and trial access requests.To ensure these requests aren't delayed or missed completely, make sure your account has enough Platform Administrators to monitor incoming requests from your users.

How to request product access

As an Insight Platform user, you can request access to any Platform product your company is subscribed to, regardless of your user role. From the Insight Platform Home page, click Request Access for the product you want access to.

InsightOps Application Tile

After a Platform Administrator takes action on your request, you'll receive and email informing you of their decision.

How to request a free trial

If you're a Product Administrator, you can request a free trial of a product your organization isn't currently subscribed to. From the Insight Platform Home page, click Start trial on the product you want to try.

InsightAppSec Free Trial Tile

Manage product access requests

Platform Administrators manage all product access and trial requests, any requests to add a new user to your company account, or to grant access to an external user (such as Rapid7 Support).

How to grant or reject access requests

  1. In the left menu of the Insight Platform user interface, click User Management.
  2. Click the Requests tab. New user requests are displayed first by default.
    • If you need to view and manage product access, trials, or external user requests instead, click the corresponding tab in the Requests section.