
You can install the Insight Agent on your target assets using one of two distinct installer types. While both installer types functionally achieve the same goal, this article details each type and explains their differences so you can decide which would be most suitable for deployment in your organization. After reading this overview material, you should have an idea of which installer type you want to use.

Token-Based Installer (Preferred)

The token-based installer is the newer Insight Agent installer type and eliminates much of the configuration complexity inherent to its certificate package counterpart. In almost all situations, it is the preferred installer type due to its ease of use.

How the Token Works

The token-based installer is a single executable file formatted for your intended operating system. At the time of execution, the installer uses a token that you specify to pull all the necessary certificates from the Insight Platform that pertain to your organization. Since this installer automatically downloads and locates its dependencies for you, it significantly reduces the number of steps involved for any Insight Agent deployment.

Certificate Package Installer (Legacy)

The certificate package installer predates the token-based variant and relies on the user to properly locate all dependencies during deployment. It is considered a legacy installer type because the token-based installer achieves the exact same purpose with reduced complexity. However, some deployment situations may be more suited to the certificate package installer type. For example, the certificate package installer type is often the only option if you need to deploy the Insight Agent on restricted or firewalled systems.

Certificates expire after 5 years

If you download and host the certificate package installer, you will need to refresh your certificates within 5 years to ensure new installations of the Insight Agent are able to fully connect to the Insight Platform. For more information on what to do if you have an expired certificate, refer to Expired Certificates.

How the Certificate Package Works

The certificate package installer comes in the form of a ZIP file that also contains the necessary certificates that pertain to your organization. Since these dependencies come in the ZIP file itself, the installer does not rely on the Insight Platform to retrieve them. However, this also means that you must properly locate the installer with its dependencies in order for the installation to complete successfully.

Reinstalling the Insight Agent with a certificate package? Check your directory first!

When reinstalling the Insight Agent using the installation wizard and the certificate package installer, the certificates must be in the same directory where the installer is executed.

Decide Which Installer Type to Use

Now that you know how these installer types work and how they differ, consider which would be most suitable for deployment in your environment. After you decide which of these installers to use, proceed to the Download page for further instructions.