Resource Matrix

InsightCloudSec uses standardized language (aka normalized terminology) to describe virtual/software-defined resources across public and private cloud technologies. The table below includes the name of each Resource as it appears in the InsightCloudSec platform, the category of resource, and the CSP-specific name (where applicable).

Supported Services & Regions

In general, InsightCloudSec provides support for the resources listed below for all regions in which they are available. In some scenarios some resources or services may not be available in certain regions. This is typically the result of restrictions related to the region itself or otherwise imposed by the CSP (e.g., AWS) to comply with regional policies. We recommend that you refer to the CSP-specific documentation on those specific regions for official details.

(For example, refer to the table for AWS services in China here.)

If you have other questions related to regions, or specific services and their support, contact us through the Customer Support Portal with any questions.

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 Retired

As of February 29, 2024, Azure has retired the Data Lake Storage Gen1 service. The Data Lake Storage resource type has been disabled until InsightCloudSec is able to officially support Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. Contact support for any questions or issues.

Resource TypeCategoryAmazon Web Services (AWS)AWS GovCloudMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud Platform (GCP)Alibaba CloudKubernetesOracle (OCI)
Access AnalyzerIdentity and ManagementAWS IAM Access Analyzer
Access ListNetworkNACL / Security GroupNACL / Security GroupNetwork Security GroupNetwork FirewallSecurity GroupNetwork Security Group/Security List
Access List Flow LogNetworkNSG (Network Security Group) Flow Log
Access List RuleNetworkRulesRulesSecurity RulesFirewall RulesRulesNetwork Security Group Rule/Security List Rule
Activity Log AlertIdentity and ManagementActivity Log Alert
Airflow EnvironmentComputeManaged Airflow EnvironmentCloud Composer
API Access KeyIdentity and ManagementAccess key IDAccess key IDApplication CredentialsService Account KeyAccess Key ID
API Accounting ConfigIdentity and ManagementCloudTrailCloudTrailN/ALogs StorageActionTrail
API Key Usage PlanNetworkAPI Key Usage PlanAPI Key Usage Plan
App ConfigurationComputeApp Configuration
App Engine ServiceComputeApp Engine Service
App Engine Service VersionComputeApp Engine Service Version
App Run ServiceContainersAWS App RunnerCloud Run
App ServerComputeApp Service Plan
App Stream FleetComputeAppStream 2.0AppStream 2.0
Application GatewayNetworkAPI GatewayAPI Management Service
Application Gateway DomainNetworkAPI Gateway Domain
Application KeyNetworkAPI Gateway Key
Application StageNetworkAPI Gateway Stage
Artifact RegistryContainersArtifact Registry
Automation AccountMachine Learning & AIAutomation Account
Autoscaling GroupComputeAutoscaling GroupAutoscaling GroupVirtual Machine Scale SetsAutoscalersN/A
Autoscaling Launch ConfigurationComputeLaunch ConfigurationsN/AN/AN/AN/A
Azure PolicyIdentity and ManagementAzure Policy
Backend ServicesComputeLoad Balancer Backend Services
Backup GatewayStorageBackup GatewayBackup Gateway
Backup VaultStorageBackup VaultN/A
Bastion HostNetworkBastion Host
Batch EnvironmentComputeBatch Compute EnvironmentBatch Compute EnvironmentBatch Account
Batch PoolComputeBatch Pool
Bedrock AgentMachine Learning & AIBedrock Agent
Bedrock ModelMachine Learning & AIBedrock Model
Bedrock Training JobMachine Learning & AIBedrock Job
Big Data InstanceComputeRedshiftRedshift
Big Data Serverless NamespaceComputeRedshift Serverless Namespace
Big Data Serverless WorkgroupComputeRedshift Serverless Workgroup
Big Data SnapshotStorageRedshift SnapshotRedshift SnapshotN/AN/AN/A
Big Data WorkspaceComputeAzure Synapse
Bot ServiceMachine Learning & AIBot Service
Build ProjectComputeCodeBuild ProjectCodeBuild
Business Intelligence SubscriptionIdentity and ManagementQuickSightQuickSightN/A
Cache Database ClusterComputeMemoryDBMemoryDB
Cache InstanceComputeElastiCacheElasticacheAzure RedisMemorystoreAsparaDB for Redis
Cache SnapshotStorageElastiCache SnapshotRedis Snapshot
Cassandra TableStorageKeyspaces TableKeyspaces Table
Cloud Access PointIdentity and ManagementS3 Access PointS3 Access Point
Cloud AccountIdentity and ManagementCloud AccountCloud AccountCloud SubscriptionProjectCloud AccountCloud Tenancy
Cloud Advisor CheckIdentity and ManagementTrusted AdvisorTrusted AdvisorSecurity Command Center BaselineN/A
Cloud AlarmIdentity and ManagementCloudWatch AlarmCloudWatch AlarmN/AN/AN/A
Cloud AppIdentity and ManagementAzure App Registration
Cloud CredentialsIdentity and ManagementAPI Keys
Cloud DatasetStorageBigQuery Dataset
Cloud Domain GroupIdentity and ManagementN/AN/AN/ADomain Groups
Cloud Domain UserIdentity and ManagementN/AN/ADomain Users
Cloud Event BusIdentity and ManagementCloudWatch/Event Bridge Event BusCloudWatch/Event Bridge Event Bus
Cloud Event RuleIdentity and ManagementCloudWatch RuleCloudWatch Rule
Cloud Global Access PointStorageS3 Multi-Region Access Point
Cloud GroupIdentity and ManagementIAM GroupIAM GroupGroupGroupRAM GroupGroup
Cloud LimitIdentity and ManagementLimitLimitLimitLimitN/A
Cloud Log DestinationIdentity and ManagementCloudWatch Logs DestinationsCloudWatch Logs Destinations
Cloud OutpostIdentity and ManagementOutpost
Cloud PolicyIdentity and ManagementIAM PolicyIAM PolicyPolicyRole Permission SetRAM Policy
Cloud RegionIdentity and ManagementRegionRegionRegionRegionRegionRegion
Cloud Resource GroupIdentity and ManagementAzure Resource Group
Cloud RoleIdentity and ManagementIAM RoleIAM RoleRoleService AccountRAM Role
Cloud Role AssignmentIdentity and ManagementAzure Role Assignment
Cloud Service CostIdentity and ManagementConsolidated BillConsolidated BillN/ABilling Export
Cloud UserIdentity and ManagementIAM UserIAM UserUserUserRAM UserUser
Cluster RoleContainersCluster Role
ClustersContainersEKS/ECS/Fargate ClusterEKS/ECS/Fargate ClusterKubernetes ServiceGKEKubernetes ClusterKubernetes Cluster
Code RepositoryIdentity and ManagementCode CommitCode Commit
Cognitive SearchMachine Learning & AICognitive Search
Cold StorageStorageGlacierN/AN/AN/AN/A
CollaborationIdentity and ManagementClean RoomsClean Rooms
Computer VisionMachine Learning & AIComputer Vision
Conditional Access PolicyIdentity and ManagementConditional Access Policy
ConfigIdentity and ManagementAWS ConfigAWS Config
Config MapContainersConfig MapConfig Map
Connect InstanceComputeAmazon ConnectAmazon Connect
Container ImageContainersContainer Image (ECR)Container Image (ECR)Container ImageContainer Image
Container InstancesContainersContainer Instance (ECS)Container Instance (ECS)Azure Container InstanceNode Instance
Container Node GroupContainersEKS Node GroupEKS Node Group
Container RegistryContainersContainer Registry (ECR)Container Registry (ECR)Container Registry
Container ServiceContainersECS ServiceECS Service
Content Delivery NetworkNetworkCloudFrontCloudFrontCDN Profile, Front Door (Standard/Premium)Cloud CDNN/A
Content ModeratorMachine Learning & AIContent Moderator
Control PlaneContainersControl Plane
Control PolicyIdentity and ManagementOrganization Policy
Control Tower ControlIdentity and ManagementControl Tower ControlControl Tower Control
Control Tower Landing ZoneIdentity and ManagementControl Tower Landing ZoneControl Tower Landing Zone
Cron JobsContainersCron Jobs
Data Analytics WorkspaceStorageAthena WorkgroupAthena Workgroup
Data FactoryStorageAzure Data FactoryData Fusion
Data StreamStorageKinesisKinesisEvent Hub NamespaceN/AN/A
Data Sync TaskStorageDataSync Task
DatabaseComputeN/AN/ASQL Database / Dedicated SQL PoolCloud SQL Database
Database ClusterComputeRDS Database, Neptune, DocumentDB
Database Event SubscriptionComputeRDS Event Subscription
Database InstanceComputeRDS Database, Neptune, DocumentDBRDS DatabaseAzure Database for Postgres/MySQL/MariaDBCloud SQLAsparaDB for RDSMySQL DB System/Autonomous Data Warehouse
Database Migration InstanceStorageDMS Replication InstanceDMS Replication Instance
Database Migration EndpointNetworkDMS EndpointDMS Endpoint
Database ProxyStorageRDS Database ProxyRDS Database Proxy
Database SnapshotStorageRDS SnapshotRDS SnapshotN/ACloud SQL BackupRDS Snapshot
Databricks WorkspaceStorageDatabricks Workspace
Dataflow JobComputeDataflow Jobs
DDoS ProtectionNetworkShieldDDoS Protection
Delivery StreamStorageFirehoseN/AN/AN/A
Deployments/TasksContainersContainer Pod (ECS/Fargate)Deployment
Diagnostic SettingsIdentity and ManagementDiagnostic Settings
Direct ConnectNetworkDirect ConnectExpress Route CircuitCloud Interconnect
Directory ServiceIdentity and ManagementAWS Directory Service
Distributed TableComputeDynamoDBDynamoDBAzure CosmosDBN/AN/ANoSQL Database
Distributed Table ClusterComputeDynamo DB Accelerator (DAX)N/ABigtableN/A
DLP JobComputeDLP Inspection Job
DNS DomainIdentity and ManagementRoute53 DomainCloud Domain
DNS ZoneNetworkRoute53 DNS ZoneDNS ZoneDNS ZoneN/A
Elastic ClusterStorageDocumentDB Elastic
Elasticsearch InstanceComputeOpenSearchOpenSearchN/AN/AN/A
Elasticsearch Serverless CollectionComputeOpenSearch Collection
Email Service ConfigComputeSimple Email Service Configuration Set (SES)Simple Email Service Configuration Set (SES)
Email Service DomainComputeSimple Email Service (SES)Simple Email Service (SES)N/AN/AN/AR
Email Service RuleComputeSimple Email Service Rule (SES)Simple Email Service Rule (SES)
Encryption KeyIdentity and ManagementKMSKMSKey Vault KeyCloud KMS CryptokeyKMS KeyMaster Encryption Key
Encryption Key VaultIdentity and ManagementKey VaultCloud KMS KeyringVault
ETL ConnectionStorageGlue ConnectionGlue Connection
ETL CrawlerStorageGlue CrawlerGlue Crawler
ETL Data CatalogStorageGlue Data CatalogGlue Data Catalog
ETL DatabaseStorageGlue DatabaseGlue Database
ETL JobStorageGlue JobGlue Job
ETL Security ConfigurationStorageGlue Security ConfigurationGlue Security Configuration
Event Grid SubscriptionComputeEvent Grid Subscription
Event Grid System TopicComputeEvent Grid System Topic
Event Grid TopicComputeEvent Grid Topic
Event SubscriptionComputeRDS Event SubscriptionRDS Event Subscription
Federated GroupIdentity and ManagementFederated Azure AD Group
Federated UserIdentity and ManagementFederated Azure AD User
File ShareStorageNFS/SMB File Gateway Share
Forwarding RulesNetworkLoad Balancer Forwarding Rules
Gatekeeper ConstraintContainersConstraint
Gatekeeper ConstraintTemplateContainersConstraintTemplate
Global Load BalancerNetworkGlobal AcceleratorGlobal AcceleratorFront Door
GraphQL APIStorageAppSync APIN/A
HSM ClusterComputeCloudHSMCloudHSM
HypervisorComputeDedicated InstanceDedicated InstanceDedicated HostN/AN/A
Identity ProviderIdentity and ManagementSAML Identity ProviderIdentity Platform Provider
InstanceComputeEC2 InstanceEC2 InstanceVirtual MachineCompute EngineECS InstanceInstance
Internet GatewayNetworkInternet GatewayInternet GatewayN/AN/AN/A
K8S SecretContainersSecret
Language ServiceMachine Learning & AILanguage Service
Launch TemplateComputeLaunch TemplateLaunch Template
LightsailComputeAmazon LightsailN/A
Load BalancerNetworkLoad Balancer (ELB/ALB/NLB/Gateway)ELB/ALB/NLBLoad Balancer/Application GatewayLoad BalancerLoad Balancer (SLB/ALB/NLB/CLB)
Logic AppComputeLogic App
Log Analytics WorkspaceIdentity and ManagementLog Analytics Workspace
Log GroupIdentity and ManagementCloudWatch Log Group
Lookout ProjectIdentity and ManagementLookout Equipment/Metrics/VisionN/A
LUIS APIMachine Learning & AILUIS API
Machine Learning InstanceMachine Learning & AISagemaker NotebookSagemaker NotebookAI Platform Notebook
Machine Learning Training JobMachine Learning & AISagemaker Training jobSagemaker Training Job
MapReduce ClusterComputeElastic Mapreduce (EMR)Elastic Mapreduce (EMR)HDInsight ClusterDataprocN/A
Message Broker InstanceComputeMQ
Message QueueComputeSimple Queue Service (SQS)Simple Queue Service (SQS)Service Bus QueueN/AN/A
Message Queue NamespaceComputeService Bus
Mutating Webhook ConfigurationContainersMutating Webhook Configuration
Named LocationIdentity and ManagementNamed Location
NAT GatewayNetworkNAT Gateway (VPC)N/ANAT GatewayCloud NATN/A
NetworkNetworkVPCVPCVirtual NetworkVPCVCN
Network Address GroupNetworkManaged Prefix ListManaged Prefix ListIP Group
Network EndpointNetworkVPC Endpoint/PrivateLinkService Endpoint/Service Endpoint Policy/Private Endpoint
Network Endpoint ServiceNetworkVPC Endpoint ServicePrivate Link Service
Network FirewallNetworkNetwork FirewallNetwork FirewallAzure Firewall
Network Firewall RuleNetworkNetwork Firewall RuleNetwork Firewall RuleAzure Firewall Rule
Network Firewall Rule ListNetworkNetwork Firewall Rule GroupNetwork Firewall Rule GroupAzure Firewall Rule Collection
Network Flow LogNetworkVPC Flow Log (VPC)VPC Flow Log (VPC)Logging Bucket
Network InterfaceNetworkNetwork InterfaceNetwork InterfaceNetwork InterfaceNetwork InterfaceNetwork InterfaceVCS Interface
Network PeerNetworkVPC PeerVPC PeerPeeringsNetwork PeerN/A
Network PolicyContainersNetwork Policy
Notification SubscriptionComputeSNS SubscriptionSNS SubscriptionN/APub / Sub SubscriptionN/ASubscription
Notification TopicComputeSNS TopicSNS TopicN/APub / Sub TopicN/ATopic
Open AIMachine Learning & AIOpen AI
Persistent VolumeContainersPersistent Volume
PersonalizerMachine Learning & AIPersonalizer
Pod Security PoliciesContainersPod Security Policy
PodsContainersTask Definition (ECS)Pod
Private ImageComputeAMI (Private)AMI (Private)ImageImageImage
Private SubnetNetworkVPC SubnetVPC SubnetSubnetSubnetVSwitchVCN Subnet
Public IPNetworkElastic IPElastic IPReserved IPReserved IPElastic IPPublic IP
Query Log ConfigNetworkRoute53 ResolverRoute53 Resolver
RecommendationIdentity and ManagementUnattended Project Recommendations
Recommendation FindingIdentity and ManagementUnattended Project Insights
Recycle Bin RuleStorageRecycle Bin Rule
Reserved InstanceComputeReserved InstanceReserved InstanceN/AN/AN/A
Resource ShareIdentity and ManagementRAM (Resource Shares)RAM (Resource Shares)
Resource Share ResourceIdentity and ManagementRAM (Resources)RAM (Resources)
Route TableNetworkRoute TableN/ARoute TableRoute TableRoute Table
Search ClusterComputeCloudsearch ClusterCloudsearch Cluster
Search IndexComputeKendra IndexN/A
SecretIdentity and ManagementSecretN/ASecretSecretN/ASecret
Secure File TransferStorageSFTP Server
Security PostureIdentity and ManagementAzure Advisor Recommendations
Serverless ApplicationComputeServerless Application Repository
Serverless FunctionComputeLambdaLambdaFunctionCloud FunctionN/A
Serverless LayerComputeLambda LayerLambda Layer
Service AccountContainersService Account
Service Control PolicyIdentity and ManagementService Control Policy
Service DetectorIdentity and Management
Service Fabric ClusterContainersService Fabric Cluster
Service Health EventIdentity and ManagementHealth DashboardHealth Dashboard
Shared GalleryComputeShared Image Gallery
Shared Gallery ImageComputeImage Definition
Shared Gallery Image VersionComputeImage Version
Shared File SystemStorageEFS, Lustre, FSx, and NetApp ONTAPN/AFile ShareCloud FilestoreN/AFile System
Simple Log ServiceIdentity and ManagementSimple Log Service
SinkIdentity and ManagementCloudWatch Observability Sink LinkStackdriver Sink
Site-to-Site VPNNetworkSite-to-Site VPN (VPC)VPN Tunnel
SnapshotStorageEBS SnapshotEBS SnapshotSnapshotSnapshotSnapshotBlock Volume Backup
SpannerStorageAurora Global DatabaseAurora Global DatabaseCloud Spanner
Speech ServicesMachine Learning & AISpeech Services
SSH Key PairIdentity and ManagementSSH Key PairSSH Key PairSSH Key PairSSH Key PairSSH Key Pair
SSL CertificateIdentity and ManagementIAM/ACM SSL CertificateIAM/ACM SSL CertificateSSL CertificateSSL CertificateN/ASSL Certificate
SSL Certificate AuthorityIdentity and ManagementACM Private Certificate AuthorityACM Private Certificate AuthorityCertificate Authority Service
SSM AssociationComputeSSM AssociationSSM Association
SSM DocumentComputeSSM DocumentSSM Document
Stack TemplateComputeCloudFormation TemplatesCloudFormation Templates
Step FunctionComputeStep Function State MachineStep Function State Machine
Storage AccountStorageStorage Account
Storage GatewayStorageStorage GatewayStorage Gateway
Storage ContainerStorageS3 BucketS3 BucketBlob Storage ContainerCloud StorageObject Storage BucketObject Storage Backup
Storage QueueStorageStorage Queue
Storage Sync ServiceStorageStorage Sync Service
Stored ParameterStorageSystems Manager Parameter Store (Parameter)
Stream InstanceComputeMSK Instance
Streaming ApplicationComputeKinesis Analytics ApplicationKinesis Analytics Application
Target ProxiesNetworkLoad Balancer Target Proxies
Task DefinitionsContainerTask Definition (ECS)
Template SpecComputeTemplate Specs
Threat FindingsIdentity and ManagementGuardDuty/MacieMicrosoft Defender for CloudEvent Threat Detection
Timeseries DatabaseStorageAmazon Timestream
Traffic ManagerNetworkTraffic Manager
Traffic Mirror TargetNetworkVPC Traffic Mirror TargetVPC Traffic Mirror Targets
Transcoding PipelineComputeElastic Transcoder Pipeline
Transcription JobComputeTranscription JobTranscription Job
Transit GatewayNetworkTransit Gateway
TranslatorMachine Learning & AITranslator
URL MapNetworkURL Map
User PoolIdentity and ManagementCognito User Pool
Validating Webhook ConfigurationContainersValidating Webhook Configuration
Vertex Custom JobMachine Learning & AIVertex Custom Job
Video StreamStorageKinesis Video Stream
Virtual Private GatewayNetworkVirtual Private GatewayVirtual Network GatewayVPN Gateway
VolumeStorageEBS VolumeEBS VolumeDiskPersistent DiskDiskBlock Volume
Web AppComputeElastic Beanstalk EnvironmentApp Service
Web App GroupComputeElastic Beanstalk Application
Web Application FirewallNetworkWeb Application FirewallWeb Application FirewallWeb Application Firewall PoliciesCloud Armor
Web Application Firewall RuleNetworkWeb Application Firewall RuleWeb Application Firewall Rule
Web Application Firewall GroupNetworkWeb Application Firewall Rule GroupWeb Application Firewall Rule Group