Configure Proxies

You must configure proxy settings for the Insight Orchestrator and Docker if your network environment routes HTTP requests through a proxy. If you do not add a proxy configuration for them, plugin downloads on the orchestrator will fail because Docker registry is unreachable.

Configure Proxies in Docker

To configure the proxy settings in Docker:

  1. Open a terminal window in your orchestrator’s virtual machine.
  2. Locate and open the Docker engine service file at /lib/systemd/system/docker.service.
  3. Find the [Service] section of the file and add the following line:.

You can substitute the environment variables with your own, using the following format: <proxy-url>:<port>/.

You can optionally set the NO_PROXY variable to local values, but this is not necessary. 4. After saving docker.service, reload systemd by running sudo systemctl daemon-reload, Run sudo systemctl restart docker to restart the Docker engine. 5. Run systemctl show --property=Environment docker to verify the environment variable was configured correctly. The result should match the settings you just configured.

To learn more about configuring a proxy for Docker, read

Configure Proxies for your Orchestrator

To configure proxy settings in your orchestrator, you must set the HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY environment variables in the orchestrator’s configuration file.

To configure the proxy settings for an orchestrator:

  1. Open the orchestrator config file located at /opt/rapid7/orchestrator/etc/executor.conf.
  2. Provide the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY variables in the same format as you set them in Docker, <proxy-url>:<port>/.
  3. Set the NO_PROXY variable for local requests to NO_PROXY=, Add any additional values as needed by your network environment, separated by commas.
  4. Run the orch-restart command to restart the orchestrator. If this does not restart the orchestrator, try sudo systemctl restart rapid7-orchestrator.