Home Page Widgets
Visit your “Home” page to get a quick glimpse of your InsightConnect activity. The following sections describe the widgets available on the home page.
What’s Happening
These widgets provide a brief overview of your automated processes in InsightConnect. You can globally adjust the time range for these widgets on the top left of the dashboard.
Completed Jobs
Quickly view the number of jobs created by your workflows in your desired date range, and compare the volume of your successful jobs to failed jobs. Use this information to troubleshoot workflows with many failed jobs.
Time Saved Using Automation
Easily review how much time and budget you save within a selected date range, as well as any upward or downward trends in time and budget saved.
Time Saved
Time Saved is an attribute attached to each workflow in InsightConnect. It signifies the amount of time it would typically take you to complete this task manually. When a job has been successfully completed, this value is added to the Time Saved chart on the Home page. Note: when updating the ‘Time Saved’ value of a workflow, it will only affect future successful jobs. Edits will not be applied to jobs that have already run, or previous data being displayed on the home page card.
Time Saved data can be updated in two ways:
- Time Savings can be adjusted for an individual workflow on the Time Saved card on the Workflow Control Panel. Pressing the grey edit/pencil icon will open a dialog window with a ‘Time Savings’ input.
- Time Savings can be edited for all active workflows at once on the homepage.
- Locate the ‘Dashboard Settings’ button on the home page, and select ‘Update Time Saved Values’. This will open a dialog window that lists all of your active workflows.
- If a workflow does not have a ‘Time Savings’ value, InsightConnect will provide an estimate for you based on the complexity of the workflow. Estimated Time Saved values are indicated with an icon beside the Time Saved input.
- Once you have updated the ‘Time Saved’ for your workflows, select the ones you want to update by clicking on the rows (alternatively you can use the select all checkbox to the left of ‘Workflow Name’) and press the blue “Save Workflows’ button at the bottom of the dialog.
Average Cost Per Hour
The value for ‘Average Cost Per Hour’ is used to calculate the ‘Budget Saved’ total on the ‘Time Saved Using Automation’ card on the homepage. Edit this value by clicking on the ‘Dashboard Settings’ button on the home page and selecting ‘Update Budget Saved Value’. Note that updating this value will only affect future successful jobs. It will not be applied to jobs that have previously run, or your previous ‘Budget Saved’ total.
Decisions Required
View jobs with outstanding human decision requests, and quickly link to the “Decision Required” page if you have many decisions pending in InsightConnect.
Attention Needed
Quickly review failed jobs or unhealthy orchestrators in order to determine if any of them require troubleshooting or further action. Click View All to access filtered lists of failed jobs or orchestrators with warnings or errors.
Time to Human Decision
Learn how long it takes your team to respond to human decision requests, and the number of jobs responded to within different time frames.
Plugin Usage
This word cloud displays your most frequently used plugins within a selected date range. Plugins with higher use will be in larger font size.