
A job is one instance of a workflow execution.

Job Details

Every job collects data from a running workflow and logs it. When you click on a single job, you can see:

  • the name of the workflow that created the job
  • job state
  • when the job started
  • the job's runtime
  • the assignee of the job (to become the assignee of a job, select Assign This Job to Me from the top right corner of your job)
  • any artifacts created by Artifact Steps
  • all output, organized by step
  • any decisions contained within the workflow and the path they took

You can view the output logs in table format or raw JSON, depending on your reporting needs.

All Outputs Tab

The All Outputs tab on a Job Details page outlines step input, output, logs, and useful information for every step executed in a job.

InsightConnect outputs showing List or Raw Data

If a job has errors, an orange icon will appear next to the All Outputs tab with the number of errors. To only view steps containing errors, check the box for the “View Errors Only” option. Uncheck this box to show all steps in the All Outputs tab.

Individual Step Data

Each step execution creates a card including the step’s input, output, log, information, and any errors or warnings.

Large Output Values

If a step’s output variables include values exceeding 8KB in size, InsightConnect will let you know which values these are and create files of this data for you to download.

The Information tab for a step always includes:

  • step execution start time
  • step execution end time

Different step types will include other details:

Step Type

Additional Details Provided


  • Plugin used
    * Plugin version number
    * Plugin vendor
    * Connection name, if applicable
    * Orchestrator used to execute the step


  • Workspace name
    * ChatOps service type

Steps with loops

  • Loop name and iteration

Use details from the Log tab to help troubleshoot hanging steps or other step errors.

Job Management

You can view all of your jobs on the jobs page. There are several filters that allow you to view only the jobs you want to view.

Date Range

Select the date range for the jobs you would like to view.


Select an active workflow so that you can view all of the jobs that have run from that workflow.


Select jobs you have assigned to yourself:

  • Mine
  • all Unassigned jobs
  • All jobs regardless of assignee

Job States

Jobs have one of five states. Select any combination of states to view by checking or unchecking the following filters:

Decision Required

Workflows that require human decisions will pause until a user provides the necessary input.


The workflow is running and has created a job, but not all details have been recorded.


Completed workflows create finished jobs.

Finished jobs with failed steps

A job can be finished but still have steps in it that have failed. This can happen if the person building the workflow selected the optional setting Continue on step failure.


Jobs that did not complete are considered failed and may require further action. Failures typically occur due to errors in the workflow. The job will list the step(s) where an error occurred.


Jobs that were stopped by the user are cancelled jobs.