Learn to Build Workflows
InsightConnect provides you with a wealth of resources to help you get up and running with workflow building as quickly as possible. We’ve created an introductory tutorial consisting of 7 lessons to walk you through building a workflow.
Open this Tutorial in InsightConnect!
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Lesson Overviews
Lesson 1: Triggers and Artifacts
In this lesson, you will learn how to create a workflow, add trigger to start the automation process, and add an artifact step to gather information.
Lesson 2: Variables and Testing
In lesson 2, you will learn about variables and how you can use them to connect different steps together. You will also learn how to test your workflow to check that data is flowing through.
Lesson 3: Action Steps and Plugins
Learn how to import a plugin from the Rapid7 extension library and add it to your workflow. Then how to use that plugin to create an action step to allow your workflow to pull data from external sources.
Lesson 4: Using Decision Steps
Learn how to add decisions points to your workflow so that you, or an automation, can determine the path that the workflow takes.
Lesson 5: Filter Steps
Add a filter step to your workflow to allow it to block any data you don’t want passing through to the rest of the workflow.
Lesson 6: Loop Steps
Learn how loop steps work and how you can use them to repetitively scan over data and display it as an artifact.
Lesson 7: Formatting Step Output
Learn the basics of formatting and displaying data in a step using templates.
Start Building Today
These lessons are designed to be completed right after installing. While you are free to dive right in and learn as you go, we crafted this experience to maximize your success and help you build workflows more effectively.