Cloud Configuration Assessment, Container Security, and Built-in Automation Workflows change in feature availability announcement

Starting March 13, 2023, Rapid7 will make a change to the following features:

  • Cloud Configuration Assessment (CCA)
  • Container Security
  • Built-in Automation Workflows - Automated Containment (Carbon Black, Cisco ISE, Palo Alto PAN-OS) and Automation-Assisted Patching (IBM BigFix, Microsoft SCCM)

These features will no longer be offered and will be unavailable for existing users if you do not utilize these features before March 13, 2023. If you meet the criteria of an active user, disregard this announcement as you will not be impacted.

If you are interested in these features but haven’t had the chance to implement them within your environment, you’ll have the opportunity to do so through our Exposure Command offering.

Schedule of Events

February 13, 2023Rapid7 announces that CCA, Container Security, and Built-in Automation Workflows will no longer be supported by InsightVM.
March 13, 2023Rapid7 no longer offers CCA, Container Security, and Built-in Automation Workflows for prospective InsightVM customers, and ends support for non-active users of these features.

Note: Support will continue for active users of these features. Additionally, these features are available in our Exposure Command offering.
February 15, 2024Rapid7 announces that CCA is End-of-Life and will be removed from InsightVM.
August 19, 2024Rapid7 announces that Container Security is End-of-Life and will be removed from InsightVM.
March 5, 2025CCA is no longer available in InsightVM.
March 5, 2025Container Security is no longer available in InsightVM.


What if I am actively using these features?

If you are actively using these features, support and sustaining updates will continue as normal.

How will I be identified as an active user?

To be identified as an active user, you must use these features before March 13, 2023 and meet the following criteria:

  • CCA - an ICS instance has been provisioned and has one or more cloud connections configured
  • Container Security - images have been assessed through manual assessment, a container in your environment has been correlated, a supported registry connection has been added, a Kubernetes monitor has been deployed, or you have a CI/CD plugin
  • Built-in Automation Workflows - an orchestrator has been deployed, triggering an in-product workflow

What is Exposure Command?

Exposure Command is a Rapid7 offering that combines the power of complete attack surface visibility with high-fidelity risk context and insight into your organization’s security posture. Findings are aggregated from our native exposure detection capabilities for cloud and on-prem (including containers and Kubernetes) in addition to any third-party exposure and enrichment sources you already have in place.

For more information about Exposure Command, review our solution breakdown and overview doc.

Who should I contact if I have more questions?

Reach out to your CSA with any additional questions.