Multi-Tenant Threat Management

Threat Command multi-tenant accounts can navigate between their customers from within the dashboard, in the view of the customer (tenant), with just one login.

The multi-tenant selector is displayed: temporary placeholder

The following modules support multi-tenant threat management:

  • Threat Command - The Strategic Intelligence module, all Threat Command pages, and the full ‘Policy’ options support multi-tenant management. 
  • In the Alerts page, you can select multiple customers. Each alert has a label to which customer it belongs:
    temporary placeholder
    Customer-specific information, such as assets and tags, cannot be used to filter when selecting more than one customer.
  • TIP - All TIP pages support multi-tenant threat management.
    The MSSP user can view their own data, except for in the IntelliFind feature. That support will be added in a future release.
  • Vulnerability Risk Analyzer - The Vulnerabilities page supports multi-tenant threat management.
  • Automation - The Policy and Alert Profiler pages support multi-tenant threat management.

The MSPP user can define customers and their users on the Customer Management Page.